all of us have a hero and a villain in us
The stag watched as the filly extended her nose to him before he nuzzled her, spouting a smile in the foals curiosity. He couldn't help but laugh when the filly ran off to hide behind Anahi, he could not blame the filly for hiding from an equine she has never met. Sirana playfully peeking her head out from behind her mother, the curiosity was there, she just was not sure if she should approach him.
He turned his attention to Anahi who said she was nervous he would not like Sirana because she was not a colt " nonsense! he said quickly nudging Anahis shoulder, he would love his foals regardless of there gender. Besides he still held out hope that he would have a colt this year between the other mares. His gazed pondered back to the filly as Anahi pushed her closer to him, showing her that he was not to be feared.
The filly squealed in return, slowly but surely Sirana moved her body from underneath Anahi extending a greeting to Archam. He lowered his head sniffing the foal who suprisingly carried a sweet smell, almost like the sap that leaks from the trees. He gave a playful snort, his nose almost touching hers, causing her forelock to sway in the movement before resting gently. Sirana, I'm your father He said before moving closer to nudge her nose.