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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Normal People Scare Me; ALL HERD
    The dark chocolate stag strode through his herdland, he had yet to exactly meet his mares within his and and guessed it was about damn time to get to know them. Scaling up a rigid slope, the stallion eyed the view for a brief moment before considering the thought, he'll need recruit more mares and the fact that eventually he would have to breed. Thankfully he had already decided his mares would;d be free to go where they please. Might as well let them off their leashes?

    Unlike his father Waylan wasn't going to play with his fathers whores, they could go where they pleased and of course leave if needed, not that they would want to of course. Lastly he wanted a name, not necessarily something that would scare his mares but, something that would be easy on the mouth and screamed protector of The Mourning Mountains Lineage. His Grandfather was the wolf, it was a menacing name mother used to speak of how equine in her past kingdom had been rescued from the menacing wolf. Then, it popped into his head. His gift his ability he could move as he pleased like a mist, No that's too lady like. Like a ghost. Thats it. A Ghost.

    Cloaking himself Waylan stood on the cliff hailing the names of his mares,"Nixie, City....." and so on obviously his father had left a few. He stood quietly awaiting for them appear beneath him, waiting to view their expressions, fore their reaction when they appear in the presence of nothingness.Then flicking in sight would become a majestic build of a silver dappled stag flickering in and out of view. Once the few equine arrived he spoke, they were simple words but all he knew too well."As you all might know, my father, Zayn has been killed. From whom that I do not dare to name, but how; for the means of sacrifice to Carnage." He pauses for a moment,"We all cherished and loved my father dearly but, as you all know when an old king dies a young king shall arise." He chuckles softly, he wasn't even close to a king nor was his father but what the heck? Why not use formalities? "Zayn has passed me, Waylan his firstborn child gifted with invisibility to step up as the ruler of this land you call home. Now, you may call me Waylan but to all others outside of this herd you only speak of me as the Ghost." He licks his lips with satisfaction before continuing on,"You may leave and go as you may participate in kingdom affairs in the chamber, I honestly don't give a damn. You all belong to me, and loss of loyalty will not be acceptable and will of course result in death lovelys. Of course, there always is that one special mare of the bunch and I dare not speak what my father's special mare was but lets just say she has a bright pigmented coat." He chuckles glancing down at Nixie, he knew she was the only one his father loved, and truthfully he wondered why.

    "Any questions ladies?" he ends quietly and mischievously expecting the group to speak and answer him.

    @[Nixie] @[City] @[Flamboyance]

    Messages In This Thread
    Normal People Scare Me; ALL HERD - by Waylan - 05-03-2016, 10:12 PM
    RE: Normal People Scare Me; ALL HERD - by Nixie - 05-06-2016, 11:48 PM
    RE: Normal People Scare Me; ALL HERD - by City - 05-10-2016, 05:02 PM

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