Zaravich was the newest member of Phaderus' herd, she had been a member of the Dale for some time and recently learned of the herd lands. She decided to get away for today, and made the long venture to the forest. Josie, her foal, was almost a year old now and she left her in the protection of the herd as she went on her own for the first time since giving birth. As she reached the forest she looked around with joy, it was officially winter with a small blanket of snow on the ground. the green grass still peaked out through the snow. The air was bitter and she could see her breath, leaving a perfect hoof print with every step. The pine trees scattered around were still green, as they are all year round. It was always nice to visit the forest when it was winter, the little bit of greenery beneath there feet would soon go away, and the pine trees here offered the only relief of the constant white snow.
Zara stuck out like a sore thumb, she could not hide from any creatures as her ebony color was the polar opposite of the white snow. Most of the stags got there sexual frustrations out with the breeding season just a few moons ago, so she hoped to remain safe. Zara had not met many herd members in the Plains, but really did not want to encounter the mares who were all fighting over Phaderus' attention. Instead she hoped that she would find someone to befriend in the forest; her ears pricked and her head followed to the sound of another approaching.