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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I show not your face, but your hearts desire.[Offy,Topsail,Brynmor,Diplomats]
    Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi
    He is not accustomed to leading but he is eager to leave behind the Kingdom of shadows, eager to leave the possibility for unwanted interaction with a certain snake-skinned mare. When the suggestion of a visit curls into his mind from the grulla Queen he is pleased to set off, turning back from whence he came. The journey would be long, taking them through the very heart of Beqanna before spitting them out on the icy edge of the world. No need to prolong their departure and so without cue from the grey stallion Patchouli sets forth, turning his golden head back once to think towards the woman, "It would be my pleasure."

    The often lighthearted palomino makes easy conversation on the way, both speaking and thinking his words. It was unnecessary at times to voice his chatter but they did not all posses such unique gifts of speech and he was hardly apt to leave Brynmor out of the idle talk. He wonders how the girl had become Queen in the first place, word was that she hailed not from the creepy mountain Kingdom, but from the Gates where clover and goodness drenched the earth. Truly it didn't matter but curiosity doth kill the cat so it is a thought that tugs at him though he does his best not to think it. Surely all would be answered for the King and if he were still and quiet long enough he too might share that knowledge.

    As they make a break for the last stretch of ground he can already see the great wall coming into view. Even from here the formation is massive and the sight would only grow more formidable as they neared. Snow was absent from the cloudy skies, a good omen he thinks but he does not say it lest he jinx their good fortune. Often it was unbearably cold, with blistering winds, howling blizzards to blind ones sight. Today is bearable, the season not yet in full swing, the howling winds absent from the clear skies and calm day. Skies light the world from an overcast sun and yet the reflection off the snow burns as bright as anything. With another twist of his speckled body he smiles, dipping his head with eyes closed as if to say- this is it, we are here, behold our kingdom you highness.

    Passing through the only entrance was a spectacle in and of itself, it was both welcoming and unnerving, like a great giants frozen hands cupping high overhead to smother you, to welcome you, to snatch you up for breakfast. It would not take long for the others to note their arrival yet he bellowed into the icescape anyways, throwing his neck and head back in his shrill call for recognition, for his brothers, for his King.

    He pauses now, sooty nose bent towards the earth, lipping around drifts for rough vegetation to fill his belly. That too had taken some getting used to, food was hard to come by here and what was available was as rough and tough as the landscape and the men. For now he tugged at yellowing tundra grasses, pulling the plant at the root and sheering it off as best he could from the icy ground. It was not a good thing to be picky and he had received more than one mouthful of dirt in his quest for sustenance. He waited, he ate.

    it is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles

    this is kind of weird but..yep

    Messages In This Thread
    I show not your face, but your hearts desire.[Offy,Topsail,Brynmor,Diplomats] - by Patchouli - 04-24-2016, 01:55 PM

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