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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    More of A Home Than I've Had Before (Any)
    Vida was a horse who was not easily impressed. She'd seen a lot of things in her time wandering through the vast lands beyond her home. She'd encountered creatures, both amazing and terrifying. She'd dealt with mother's nature's most wicked forces, such as a raging river that threatened to pull her under the thrashing current like quicksand, or a large kick-up of wind that devastated the land as it mowed all over the place.

    She'd seen wonderful places too. She'd been to beaches with water so clear and blue it was see-through to the bottom. The seashells were a perfectly pearl white, and the sky a perfect reflection of the ocean's brilliant color. She'd been to a hot area where there was very little water, so much so it surprised her that anything could survive out there. Many more places beyond that, all of which were highly interesting.

    Of course, now that she was seeing this place, Vida figured her own opinions might be wrong. Never before had she seen so much open field, not only for grazing, but space for running, being around other horses without the fear of being kicked because there was plenty of room to escape in the first place.

    The environment stretched out before her was stunning, even in the autumn season. The grassy field was beginning to wither away at the roots, showing that this place would soon be a wasteland while its residents waited for the return of spring. The trees spread over the land were a lovely mixture of yellow, orange, and red, much like the unique color combination of her mane and tail.

    Vida lifted her tapered head to the sky, inhaling the fresh autumn breeze. She could definitely grow to like this place, and not just because there were not a lot of horses to worry about.

    No, in the case of a free-spirited mare like her, she'd get used to it because there was plenty of room to run!

    Rearing up high in the air, kicking out her front legs like an excited filly, Vida took off across the grassy field, mane and tail flowing gracefully behind her as her powerful, muscular limbs carried her easily over the expanse of the field that lay in front of her.

    (Vida is free to be approached by a herd member, or a horse from a kingdom)

    Messages In This Thread
    More of A Home Than I've Had Before (Any) - by Vida - 04-23-2016, 02:54 AM

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