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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i know you're trying to fight when you feel like flying; argo

    someday i'll soar, someday i'll be so much more,
    because i'm bigger than my body gives me credit for.

       Soon, the pain and uncertainty subsides, leaving behind the inevitable husk of a child struck by life's bittersweet sorrows far too soon. He presses his cheek against his brother's neck, listening to the distant but thriving thumping of his heart beating inside of his chest, and he wonders why his own heart does not sound the way that his does. It soothes him, though, and draws him into a comforting lull that finally brings an end to his worrisome terrors; his flickering ear pressed against his silvery pelt. He inhales deeply again, and the faint scent of the dark, damp cave is accompanied by his sweet breath as he strokes his cheek across his own, a piece of Neverwas that was a rarely seen treasure.

       He can sense his brother's woes - he knows that he parts from his mother's side too often and evokes worry in her heart and in her deep brown doe eyes, which always strikes his father's heartstrings tenfold - and he knows that he draws away when affection grows too thick, too suffocating to handle, and yet he is undeniably adored and thus, he adores him as well. He can still remember the first moment he laid eyes on him - his nervous curiosity radiating as Neverwas whuffed gently over his freshly birthed splattered pelt, inhaling his scent, and the way that he himself had curled against him partly because of his warmth and partly because his heart told him that his brother would always be.

       His breathing, rhythmic and mellow now, whuffs now softly against his cheek as he feels his teeth nip and his lips brush along his short coal-painted mane and it reminds him of their mother; of her gentle kisses and soft caresses. It reminds him that the pain is always short lived and surrounding him was something so much larger than himself. He curls against him as he affectionately comforts him, and with a breathy sigh, he finally lifts his deep brown eyes to meet with his brother's, which are equally concerned and calm - the smooth, undisturbed waters of the open sea; deceptive but effective, as Argo does not know the depths of his pain. Then, he speaks.

       "Nevi," He says softly, his brother's sweet shortened name rolling off of his tongue with ease. Neverwas was too harsh, too unforgiving, and he had attached himself to his mother's gentle name for his brother unceasingly since the moment he had heard it. "my heart hurts."

       His words die quietly as swiftly as he speaks them, and he falls into silence again, knowing how such a statement is abrupt for someone so young (and yet he is an old soul within; he takes after his father in so many ways Offspring has not yet seen) and perhaps too brief. Too short, lacking any explanation. Too deep, without context applied. He closed his eyes for a long moment, his dark lashes framing his delicate, youthful features. He is so small next to his sibling, who he curls into further now as a thick draft of icy wind slices through the cave opening with splicing ease, but he feels so safe beside him, he knows there is no better confidant for his childlike fears.

       "Sometimes, it hurts to run. And sometimes, it hurts to stand. Everything moves around me and sometimes, I can't breathe and my heart won't stop," He pauses with a deep breath, his words trembling now as the tears begin to rise to the brink of his eyelids, his wide-eyed gaze staring once more into his brother's, begging for comfort, for understanding, for sanctuary. "it goes too fast and sometimes not fast enough and it makes me so tired. I think Mama and Papa know and I think I'm broken," He whispers the last word, the final word: his deepest, darkest fear realized. Please don't tell them, he doesn't say, but deep down, he knows they already know.

    the fragile ice prince

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i know you're trying to fight when you feel like flying; argo - by Argo - 04-21-2016, 01:58 AM

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