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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog]

    The demons in him are chewing and clawing like angry dogs in cages when they see that gentle, sanguine look in her youthful eyes. They growl, snap and bark behind his exterior, his bright eyes fluttering across her delectable little body. She cannot see them, thankfully. They're hidden behind a lump of dreadlocks and thick spirals of coal forelock that's perpetually spilling down his face. He wants to wrap himself around her and usher her back to wherever he can hoard her, to covet her. To hide her away until she's a grown woman – because she is clearly not, which makes some sick part of him stir. She's just so... perfect. Innocent, soft, untorn by this fucked up world. What a woman she will be in just a few short years...

    She can't be anymore than a year or so. An age where even a monster like Chemdog would not dare take for his own twisted desires. He's more of a planner – a prospect hunter, and what pure prospect he can immediately see in the wide eyed baby... even in this ominous veil of darkness.

    Her voice makes his veins flush under his oil-black skin; his flesh hot and cold at the same time. He moves into a dim sliver of light that sends a beam through the trees. “The Chamber?” He feigns ignorance to the place, quirking his head to the side as if to think of what she means. “I might just, actually.” He grins and bends his face down to be lit by the faint strip moonlight in front of her. “My name is Chemdog – you can call me Chem though, the 'dog' part is just so unnecessary.” He tilts his face to one side to let his forelock tumble off to the side. “You wanna follow me and we'll see if you we can't find this home of yours, eh?” If only she knew the sinister man that hides behind this charm, this kindness. Though it's undeniable that to some degree he isn't faking it and will indeed not harm her....but she has no idea. Furthermore, she has no clue what might be brewing in his sickened sort of mind – what sort of thoughts he might be having.

    He's innocent enough to not mean her any real harm like violence, or rape, but he's got no real plans to return her safely home just yet either. He pivots to lead the way down a thin and dark path, “I believe it's...this way.” He nods and smiles a bit wider, propping his head up and giving her a friendly sideways look. “Yep, I remember, it's this way indeed.” He starts to walk away, looking back over the curve of his speckled back, “You comin', girl?” His yellow teeth seem white in the darkness as he offers a happy grin.


    (orig. picture by mon-artefact on DA)


    she's so coot <33

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    RE: Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog] - by Chemdog - 04-14-2016, 09:43 AM

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