04-09-2016, 10:37 PM

I can still hear you saying -
you would never break the chain
you would never break the chain
She shouldn’t be here. In fact - she should be anywhere but here. Lupei would tell her to keep busy, perhaps even suggest she go do some work for the Chamber, despite the fact that she really had no rank or purpose there. Her heart tells her she should be invisible, hiding away in some unknown corner to gather herself and what little respect she lost at Killdare’s minor gathering. Her mind whispers that she should be out searching for the strange palomino, gaining strength and allies to see his eventual downfall. The cacophony of voices in her head is overwhelming, so she does exactly what she knows she shouldn’t: she avoids everything and heads directly to the meadow with hopes that there will be someone to lend an ear.
The night had given her ample time to go unseen, its endless dark covering her and giving her a sense of invisibility as she’d trekked carefully away from her kingdom and broke through the outlying cover of the field to happen upon the unusually empty meadow. Now, however, the skin of the sky was being drawn back to reveal a pleasing sunrise, scattering warm light across the earth and giving away all those who’d previously been slinking around unseen. Dacia herself chooses to remain viewable, her body melting to a soft orange that bled to a peach pink in her mane and tail, the very tips dipped in a subtle, orchid blue. Something of a sunrise herself. She’s a pretty picture, touchable curves and a sharp eye, matched with agile, slender legs and a fine, velvet nose. A product of good breeding with the promise of a good time.
These are her gifts and she uses them well. With each carefully placed step she finds herself making tracks around the edge of the gathering lands, bright purple eyes alighting softly on one horse before jumping to the next. Each one seems to have come with some ulterior motive, whispering voices passing like murmuring water over stones. For once, she’s desperate for company and sadly everyone seems entertained. How unfortunate. That is, until a high squeal breaks her concentration and has her head jerking around to find its source. There - some feet away - stands a massive, black stallion, breakfast disturbed by a heap of brown legs and fur. Without knowing it, Dacia senses the trouble that could arise from such a meeting, and her gait lengthens so that she finds herself enjoined with the two rather quickly.
“My, what a mess we have here. Are you alright?” She coos to the filly, eyes locking on the rogue brute to gauge his reaction. She wasn’t a fighter, but she was willing to step in if any trouble arose. The moment stills in the air around them, silence falling on the trio while she stands at the ready, body tense with excitement.
color-changing vixen of the chamber
ooc: couldn't help myself :p