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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Watch'n outer space I see them shine - Yael, Vanquish, any?
    so give me reason why we need to be like them
    we don't want to, and we don't fit in

    Katar? T’ere’s somevone I vant you to meet. Come to ze border, please.

    He rolled his eyes. Silently, of course. But Alek didn’t miss the gesture. He rarely misses anything, even in the dark. Cats are useful like that, and after their initial distrust/catty feelings (see what I did there?) towards each other, the two boys realized that they were the best thing that ever happened to each other. Qatar could help Alek get away with anything, when he put that sweet, mute face to good use. And Alek was great with coming up with mischievous plans, that usually involved the two of them sprinting away from pranks as fast as they could.

    Or chasing camels. Playing dead. Scaring lizards out of holes for Alek to eat.

    “What was that look for, Q?”
    Mom wants us at the border. Says there’s someone she wants me to meet.
    “Lame. Do we have to?”
    Yeah, probably.

    In the end, they turn and go, like they always do (though not after some more dawdling). Because there was one time when they didn’t, and Yael was not very happy with them. She made that very well known. Do not piss off mothers, especially mothers who also happen to be magicians. They can do some very scary things. Luckily, they can easily make a ‘game’ of it, racing to the border, with the long-legged cat keeping up fairly well with the almost-yearling colt. He has his Ima’s mane, his Abba’s color, and so when he comes flying towards the trio, breathless and laughing, there can be little doubt who he is. In fact, he’s just in time to hear Yael say, “Yes, you deed not know? Lexa ees your xalf seester.”

    The two miscreants pull up on the other side of Vanquish, purposefully separating themselves from Yael, as if the massive stallion could protect them from her. Alek announces that they’re here, though that is kind of obvious at this point. “We’re here. What’d we miss?” But Qatar’s eyes are on the Amazonian mare, and his lips purse as he tries to figure out who she must be, and what his relation is to her.  


    the  mute prince.

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    RE: Watch'n outer space I see them shine - Yael, Vanquish, any? - by Qatar - 04-08-2016, 03:39 PM

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