The svelte mare canters up to the border of The Field then, without missing a single beat, crosses over the invisible line that divides the wilds from the civil world. At least, that's what the civilized ton want you to believe... that a line, the idea of a line, could keep what lives beyond at arm's length.
Regardless of who believes what, the sweat darkened chestnut looks travel worn despite her elastic stride. There's a shadow of weariness in her gaze that suggests she's seen more than her fair share of what lurks in the wild places, that she's probably not as sheltered as one might guess simply by looking at her.
Sides heave slightly as she slows to a gliding walk, sweetly sculpted head tossed back in an effort to shift tangled forelock from bottomless brown eyes. A deep breath is drawn in before it's released in an exaggerated huff,
"Well... now that the easy part is over,"
There's a tartness to her words that warns the delicately constituted this creature is not the sort to curb her thoughts and comments to spare anyone from her opinions. Balanced by a genuine warmth and an almost tangible sense of curiosity, the mare draws all walks of life to her and has the right devil-may-care attitude to form bonds with the most unlikely combination of personalities.
“Let the games begin.”