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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    dreams unwind; lover is a state of mind. | siberian, nymphetamine only

    Spring was different in Chamber, the pine forest that covered most the land never shed its green needles. It was easy to overlook the other signs of spring if you were no observant, the blossoms on the sparse deciduous trees that had managed to survive the competition for soil and light stood out but were few and far between. The shrubbery blossomed but it was shrubbery and who paid attention to that? The grass had an extra struggle of being noticed under an extra layer of soot, ash, and debris. Spring was not all it was cracked up to be in Chamber.

    The necromancer didn't mind. Time passed by and each season had its own distinct look in this plase he had learned to call home.  The pine forest and all it's quirks, regardless of season, had grown on him.  He never thought he would learn to actually like the always slightly ash- infused air that smelled like a freshly blown out pine scented candle. He had grown up here in a sense, it had given him a purpose, a family of his own ( no matter how nontraditional it was), and friendship. He now worked grow the land that had given him so much. Nymphetamine stopped as he approached the boarderlands, and surveyed the landscape. He had gone to the meadow for a little breather, and was glad to be home, the time away had been what he needed but he was ready to get back to his duties.

    His eyes tok in the scene, there was always some activity here, members came and went, the warriors ambled by on patrol, and occationally there was a visitor. The visitors were always the most obvious, they were the ones that lingered, not able to move forward into the pine forest but not moving away either. This time he spoted such a being.  A mare, smaller than he, but with grand silver wings. She stood looking at the odd scene that was chamber in the Spring and he was curious what brought the younger mare here to stand on the edge of his home.

    Dark hooves plodded up next to the mare and halted as his blood bay body was equal with hers. He surveyed the land where she looked out upon before he turned his head to glance her way with a smile. "What brings you to Chamber's door?" He kept his tone light, while he didn't feel threatened, he kept himself ready incase he needed react to any thing sudden. There was still the occational crazy who managed to not understand the war was over. He listened for a reply, while he inhaled the scent of someplace/something that was distantly familiar, but was unable to place. He looked upon her again, figuring that an introduction was appropriate, "I am Nymphetamine of Chamber,  its a pleasure to meet you...?" He allowed his question to fade so the mare could introduce herself as well. She was young, and stunning, but not so young that it was odd for him to notice her looks.  

    Anytime the bay thought of other mares, Kimber managed to scoff at him from the depth of his mind; she never let him be. But he was still unwilling to adress that issue, so he shook the thought away and focused instead on figuring out why he recognized the scent on the newcomer. He made sure to be a gentleman, and give her his attention as she spoke, best to not lead with sarcasm when the pretty young mares were around. (Players gonna play, and haters gonna hate...or however that whole thing went. #hatetheplayernotthegame)


    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: dreams unwind; lover is a state of mind. | siberian, nymphetamine only - by Nymphetamine - 04-05-2016, 08:36 PM

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