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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog]
    learn to read between the lines, yeah?
    I move through the land, working towards the land that had been my home, that my parents were// or I assume my father was as Mother all but admitted she didn't know. She got so much crap from others for that, but she was a good mother none the less. I can't hold it against her that she wasn't super affectionate but she taught me what I needed to know, to be safe and survive the war. It was only right I go back and tell her where I will be if she ever needed me. I didn't want her to worry where I went off to. 

    I find I left too late in the day it is getting dark, I am close to the forest lands and need to get through them, but the night was not the best time to weave through unknown forests. I have little option so I move into the forest as I breathe sharply to chase away the nerves in my gut. I try to stay straight on the invisible path to Chamber but soon enough I realise I am lost. I looked around and there is nothing but tree after tree. There are no features that make one stand out more than the other. With the sun set and the clouds covering the sky, I can't use stars or moon to help guide me. I have no clue where I am. My heart races and I frantically move on trying to  get out of the forest ,and that make it all worse. Oh my... I am so very very lost. My legs shake as I realize I have no one to help me. I think what Vaughan would do...just muscle on. Well, I already muscled on and  now I am really really lost. I think what Mother would do....mother wouldn't get lost in the woods, that's what mother would do.  Before I left falls Ygrittes kind and steel eyes helped me decide to go, so I try to think what she would tell me to do. That is hard, I don't know her well... Stay still and wait for the day? or retrace your step? I don't know, I don't know I don't know. I feel the panic turn to desperation and I want to cry. the tears are there just waiting to get through. and I swallow hard to keep them at bay. I decide to wait where I am until the morning. Nothing good would come from moving, I was so turned around. 

    I look around and there is a big tree wit ha slightly hollowed out base. I back against that, so no one can come up behind me and settle in for the night.  Hopefully, the forest would be a quiet place tonight... a small cry escaped my throat, but I suck it back I don't want to be the weak crying girl anymore. Even if my heart races in my chest and my breath is shaky, I will not cry. 

    nymphetamine x kimber

    @[Prism] @[Chemdog]

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    Maybe I would have been Something you'd be good at [Chemdog] - by Vessel - 04-03-2016, 07:24 PM

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