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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any]
    when you fall I'll be the only one who looks away;
    when you call I'll be the first to tell you I can't stay.

      His stoicism returns to his usually stern features, though his crimson gaze is still alight with genuine curiosity. It was a strange turn of events, to be certain, but a welcome one. Having lived a century's time, he had been forced to adjust to change on a nearly constant basis and it has become as much a part of him as breathing had. He easily adapted to unorthodox situations, and time had taught him how to judge the basis of one's character from only a small exchange of words. Though terse at one point, it left him with a sense of comfort - his men, their women and their children would soon be guarded with allies, and he would provide similar comfort in return if ever called upon.

      He was a man that was always as true to his word as physically possible - and though perfection was far from what he was, he would do everything within his reach to make a promise or oath his own personal truth. With a slow, deliberate nod, he acknowledges the King of molten rock's words, observing his furrowed brow and listening to his firm, albeit gracious tone. "I appreciate that we are able to come to an agreement, Killdare. A pleasure, Nymphetamine. Carry on safely on your journey." He speaks softly to their turning backs, observing their forms as they begin to take leave.

      He ponders for a long moment on Killdare's final statement, curious yet also concerned - how had he breached their walls without being seen, or heard? Had he crept into a cave under guise of invisibility? Perhaps he had a form of magic that allowed him transparency through the kingdom without actually having stepped hoof into it. He decides not to pursue it for now. He would venture out and find this gift, and decide whether or not his wariness is warranted - and he would ask questions (and unbeknownst to him now, thank him) later.

      His gaze lazily turns to the dappled male beside him, his gaze boring into his as he spoke quietly to him. He deliberates for a long moment, and then, "I agree. I think you have nothing to fear, Brynmor - and perhaps, it would be good for you to. I appreciate your presence in this matter, as difficult as it was for you."

      Interrupted, his gaze turns away again, brows furrowed as he tilts his massive skull towards the newly emerging form. He says nothing, but finds himself bristling immediately upon hearing his tone. His muscles shift beneath his dark coat, tensing against taut flesh, eyeing his similar dark pelt and darker eyes. A sense of uncertain suspicion washes over him, waning only upon Nymphetamine's abrupt, sharp words. A faint smirk turns at the corner of his mouth as he realizes the dynamic unfolding before him. He, too, had experienced the joy (and anxiety) of unruly children - this one was clearly no different.

      "Not a worry, Nymphetamine - I've had my share of children tossing infantile nicknames around. I am Offspring, resident abominable snowman. And King of the Tundra. Perhaps you should stay a spell and perhaps then you would learn a thing or two about what we have to offer. Unless you're afraid of a little cold and hard work." Many could not withstand the biting cold, the bone chilling winters, the terrorizing caves or the pressure of the brotherhood. He doubted this one could either.

      He falls silent then, nodding simply to the blood bay standing irately at a distance. He says nothing more, then, as the boy announces his missing sibling. Offspring frowns then, features fading from amusement to concern. While he knew naught of the girl they spoke of, nor had he seen her, he thought of his sweet Maribel and the unborn child his precious Isle now carried. He had little to say now, but he remained still, waiting - knowing all to well that his promise of an alliance may be about to be tested.

    the ice king of the tundra

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-23-2016, 11:37 PM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-26-2016, 09:54 AM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-31-2016, 11:12 AM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 04-03-2016, 02:07 AM

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