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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm so excited, delighted [birthing] - vlinder, zeik, any

    He’d been distant, but never far. Felinae had her own life to live now - and being back together with her, Besra in tow, had been something of a compromise for the shifting stallion. They’d never really had a period of time where they were always close, always a step away from one another, so the distance (even though Zeik ties himself to the Gates now) is not unusual. Instead he finds that catching up with his eldest daughter and occasionally flying with Feli somewhere in their spare time is more his style. Before Felinae, there’d been Zeik and only Zeik. Now the falcon-shifter has much more than he ever bargained for. But time progresses, and with it, so does his love for his quiet little family.

    A family so quiet that Felinae had thought to shake things up once more. Zeik hadn’t thought to resist her request for another foal - he’d been more surprised over every other emotion. The idea had quickly settled into an elated bubbled somewhere in his gut, where daily it grew (not unlike Felinae’s belly) until it was near to bursting. When her time was near the roaned stallion had kept to his falcon form, following her closely and watching her with baited breath. Any day now and she would slink off, escaping to a world and process that he would never understand. And, as he had predicted, the day finally came.

    When Feli had taken her leave the Falcon had dropped from his perch among the branches of a nearby tree and shot through the peaceful expanse of the Gates to find his now eldest daughter. Besra had been taking to the edges of the kingdom lately, eyes forever straying beyond the borders for something that Zeik could never see. “Besra!” he calls, spotting her not far off. “It’s time!” He warns, and the nearly grown mare takes no more time to ponder, leaping forward and racing across the verdant downs as he swoops backwards to shoot ahead, guiding her.

    The pair reach Felinae’s spot much quicker than anticipated, and the hush surrounding the quiet grove is palpable. Zeik shifts, dropping to the earth and landing squarely before shaking his head to settle his vision. Besra follows closely and the two push their way into the clearing, eyeing the splendor of the little winged filly. Zeik is elated, eyes wide with fascination at his new offspring. “Feli she’s amazing.” He croons, head dropping to brush his nose gently along the trembling foal’s side. Another blend of them - with the addition of two tightly closed wings. A smile breaks over his lips, crashing against his cheeks and causing the stallion to chuckle. “You never cease to surprise me. Another girl. You’ve a sister Besra! Come look.” he calls over his shoulder, before turning back to his bluebird mate to press himself against her and offer her support.

    Their lanky daughter creeps forward, a soft grin echoing her father’s emotions. Besra is silent, remembering her childhood with Minette and seeing a whole new one unfold before her. “Hello Vlinder.” She whispers, soft blue forelock sweeping over her eyes. “Welcome to the family.”

    Z E I K

    -everything we are and used to be is buried and gone-

    OOC: Hope this was worth the crummy wait! <3 a million apologies.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I'm so excited, delighted [birthing] - vlinder, zeik, any - by Zeik - 03-30-2016, 02:00 PM

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