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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Alone and Wondrous
    Again, Titanium is beaten to the punch by another stallion. Again. He huffs, though immediately shakes it off. This mare is even more beautiful than the last two he had attempted to bring home. But this stallion is even smarter than Archam. He snorts and watches him carefully for a moment before stepping through, in no mood to be late this time. If he must hop onto the tail end of the party, he'll do it with style.

    He approaches the beautiful mare with a smile, holding himself up and thrusting his chest out very subtly. "Hello," He introduces himself confidently, taking a different approach than he had against Archam. "My name is Titanium. And yours?" His eyes gleam in anticipation, and weariness- this is his third attempt now, and he is growing weary.

    The later it gets, the crappier my posts are. Tongue

    Messages In This Thread
    Alone and Wondrous - by Silic - 03-29-2016, 07:48 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Jedi - 03-29-2016, 07:58 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Silic - 03-29-2016, 08:10 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Jedi - 03-29-2016, 08:15 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Titanium - 03-29-2016, 08:18 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Jedi - 03-29-2016, 08:28 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Silic - 03-29-2016, 08:33 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Titanium - 03-29-2016, 08:42 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Jedi - 03-29-2016, 08:47 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Silic - 03-29-2016, 08:59 PM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Jedi - 03-30-2016, 07:04 AM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Titanium - 03-30-2016, 11:44 AM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Silic - 03-30-2016, 11:48 AM
    RE: Alone and Wondrous - by Titanium - 03-30-2016, 01:17 PM

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