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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi

    The intimacy of the situation is apparent but it is not cause for him to turn from them. Instead with his smooth greeting he nickers against their names, saving them for memory without repeating them out loud. One has the strangest tongue, something of the likes Patchouli has never before seen, something that draws his unfiltered stare. Maybe he should hide that innocent curiosity but he doesn’t even try.

    Brennen’s kids…

    Should that mean something? Probably. Unfortunately Patch still knew very little about his new home and the residents within. Mostly he spent his time huddled in a cave, shivering next to a wall, simply hiding best he could from the cold. His bespeckled hide had yet to thicken to his liking, it is not likely that this winter he could hope for something warm enough to be comfortable. Honestly if he survived the coming months, well, even he would be surprised at that.

    “Right, welcome. I’m Patchouli.” he tries his best to sound knowledgeable and luckily someone else is hopefully there to save him from embarrassment.

    She’s lovely, brown and white, a pleasing pattern but still no one the golden boy knows. He nods once at her name, saving it too because he had so few names memorized and because she seemed to belong here more than he did.

    “Kind of awful?” he laughs looking around at the group with clear amusement, “I’m freezing my nads off, awful is an understatement.” No apologies, or awkward take backs, simply an ‘oops’ look for the woman after the words are spoken. “Well, there are a few caves a ways back, a decent overhang against the wall, unless our good lady knows somewhere better?”

    In truth he kind of hoped she did but he wanted to feel useful all the same. He had some ideas of his own for shelter, maybe not the best caves or crevices to date but they were something- they were all he had.

    it is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles

    im sorry for the wait..and the suck. i dont yet understand him

    Messages In This Thread
    Any. - by Aemar ♦ Raelyx - 03-23-2016, 05:59 PM
    RE: Any. - by Patchouli - 03-23-2016, 09:00 PM
    RE: Any. - by isle - 03-23-2016, 11:00 PM
    RE: Any. - by Aemar ♦ Raelyx - 03-23-2016, 11:38 PM
    RE: Any. - by Patchouli - 03-27-2016, 08:21 AM
    RE: Any. - by isle - 03-28-2016, 08:53 PM
    RE: Any. - by Aemar ♦ Raelyx - 04-03-2016, 01:46 PM
    RE: Any. - by Patchouli - 04-05-2016, 09:39 AM

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