03-25-2016, 09:05 PM
Her ears flick
atop her cranium
as she listens to
him speaking.
She has in some
ways grown fond
of his quiet
Part of her
did want to
stay here with
Part of her yelled
she is a fool because
others were not
capable of truly
caring or loving
It was sad to
think that maybe
you are meant to
be alone forever.
It was sweet
of him to offer
and when he said
"Dont leave"
she almost even
believed him
enough to stay.
"Lets be honest
what do I have to
offer you all here?
Nothing, I have no
skills. I am not one
to thrive in social
situations. I would
only weigh you down
as I have since I
met you."
a quote for lillex goes here
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