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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any]
    ± when you feel my heat, look into my eyes ±
    Oh Nymphetamine
    Killdare snorts gruffly at the jests that come too early for such a bitter morning. A puff of black smoke relieves itself from his nostrils, bubbling up from his lungs the way invisible breathe once did. At one time in his life he would have been thoroughly alarmed at such a spectacle, but here, in these lands, all was not as it seemed. The bay King had come to accept that which he could not change and must endure regardless of the unease it caused him from some. Magic was a questionable commodity, one he never took lightly and still here he was continuing with the idea of new ties between the Kingdoms.

    It was a good plan really, one that would a bring change and difference to the world. Something new and fresh and exciting perhaps, and the Chamber was not all bad, was it?

    Well, he certainly thought it didn’t have to be. How had they ever allowed themselves to be so stuck in stereotypes in the first place? If you live here, you’re good, over here you’re bad, and then you have there which is neither good or bad. Ridiculous. Killdare had never considered himself an evil type anyways, no, he had some ideals and morals. His word for instance, creatures of dark rarely upheld their word, twisting it into something else entirely to suit them. Sure, he might steal a few children, but he would never bring them unnecessary harm. He was more of an “in-between” type if you asked him but nobody ever did.

    They assumed.

    Well, not anymore. Not here as he stands at the gate of the largest sheet of ice he has ever laid eyes upon.

    “Tempting,” he grumbles at one of his few friends, “but not today. We’re here to forge an alliance Nymphetamine.” All jest has left his voice, replaced with a stoic seriousness. “What sort of King am I if I do not seek change? If I do not move us forward into a new age, instead allowing us to crawl ten steps back into a darkness some of us do not serve?” It’s mostly a rhetorical question because the magma King’s mind is set, he will help forge ties with the Gates and the Tundra alike, and somehow, someway, they would work together.

    They would or they would all be at each other’s throats, either way it was a start.

    When a single blackened male steps from the barrier Killdare watches him with a careful expression, burning pupils judging what they could from appearance alone. “Killdare, King of the Chamber.” He follows the turn of names, repeating this one’s in his mind for good measure, dipping his head only just in a sign of respect. Nymphetamine could speak his own name,or make one up, entirely up to him.

    “Thank you for seeing us King Offspring. I’ve come with every intention of making an agreeance with you today, an alliance. Not alone of course,” He gives a thin smile, but a smile nonetheless, “I would not be surprised if you have more visitors come tomorrow but I can not speak for others, so I won’t.” Pausing only to judge the way in which his words are being absorbed before continuing. “It’s time for change in Beqanna, too long the lands have feuded in a stale circle, the same ties, the same alliances. The world should move forward instead of backward should it not?”

    At the very least he thought moving forward from idle would be immensely refreshing.

    magma King of the Chamber

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-23-2016, 11:37 PM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Killdare - 03-24-2016, 11:15 AM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-26-2016, 09:54 AM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 03-31-2016, 11:12 AM
    RE: When the days grow cold-[OFFSPRING;any] - by Offspring - 04-03-2016, 02:07 AM

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