03-21-2016, 12:25 AM
but when aurora's lights ceased to shine
She always managed to find her way back to this place.Dark sleek body, slinking through the dark eerie autumn night like a demon shadow. Her pace was slow, her head stuck outward and low as per usual. As old as she gets, she never seems to lose herself, she is still the same tortured mind.
Her plans throughout her years in this land were always thwarted in some way or another. Her damned panther child, Naga, betrayed her and ran off to lord knows where. Her son eventually left her side as well. Not to mention, Naga stole away her Nerissa. Now she stands alone, not feeling guilt. That is not like her. She feels no pain, no guilt, no remorse. Only morbidity and revenge filled thoughts.
Our dark creature, maneless and twisted, has bounced from place to place. For some reason the Valley had always been where she managed to end up. Though now she didn't care where she went, which is why she is here now. She decided she would gain some entertainment by watching recruiters bicker amongst each other, trying to one up each other's spiel, each one hoping to win her over and get brownie points with the higher ups. Always entertaining. She remembered her days of attempting recruits, but of course she always managed to scare more than appeal.
Now she was not worried about impressing anyone, all she really had to do was stand there, let them pick her out of the intense amount of estrogen in the field this fine autumn season. She had her fair share of ungrateful brats, so she was not going to take part in the....festivities.
Our demented silver dappled black girl slithered her long delicate body up a small hill, her tail flowed behind her like a thick long dress train made of silvery cobwebs. The older mare then stood alone, framed by a pale full moon rising over the horizon. She looked like a serene...nightmare. Soon enough though she would no longer be alone. For too long she stayed isolated from others. She needed a place to spend the rest of her life, commit to one place. She could probably be of use to someone. Only time would tell. For now, she stands statuesque upon her hill.
i was alive, i think, for the first time