I call her the devil
cause she makes me wanna sin
Belgarath can go fuck himself. She doesn’t even deign to call him Father; he kept her safe in the Meadow, but he didn’t raise her the way parents are supposed to. She lingered somewhere between orphan and other, having no mother to speak of and an almost equally absent father. Unless she did something wrong, and then the teeth came out.
You know, that’s probably where she got this blood fixation.
All the best crazy girls have Daddy issues, don’t they? Who else is our poor little freckled girl going to blame it on? She can’t possibly take full responsibility for it.
Then again, the really crazy girls never know they’re actually crazy.
Something as innocent and wide-eyed and fluffy-tailed shouldn’t be allowed to live.
He lingers in the edge of her concentration until he steps up to her side and whispers in her ear. And then everything is set on edge, from the hair on her neck to the ears falling flat against her head. He knew! Of course he knew, stupid girl. He was always in the shadows, he had to have seen something long the way. His teeth land on her neck, catching a couple of strands of her mane as well, and the pinching stinging causes her to squeal and lash out with her own teeth. It’s almost reflexive and therefore very quick. Shaytan isn’t really concerned about whether or not her strike lands, she just wants to get the message across - don’t fuck with sister dearest.
He leaps away, heading behind her, and she pivots to face his rear end - to do what, Shaytan doesn’t know. But she knows she’s pissed. Half of her wants to give chase and beat the shit out of him. Half of her wants to turn around and ignore him, like she usually does. Her hesitation allows her to miss his flying hind hooves and when he takes off, she leaps after him, making that two giant ponies running around the Chamber. She may not know this land like the back of her hand, but she knows its new flowing ways. The land here is uneven and if he isn’t careful, he could easily trip over the sudden rises and falls of hardened lava flows.
Unlike Navarro, Shaytan doesn’t slow down, which allows her to close the distance quickly, coming up upon her brother as he begins to wheel around - hopefully catching him off guard, or at least being further along than he expected her to be. She isn’t aiming to rear up and attack him with forelimbs, instead she simply keeps on going and goingandgoing until Navarro either moves out of the way or stops her with his own body. They should be about the same size, though Navarro might be a bit bigger, because he’s a dude.
Shaytan braces for impact and the bruising that will follow. She doesn’t care that it will hurt like hell.
and every time she knocks
I can't help but let her in