She inspects the ground, placing her velvet maw against the damp earth, Weir only watches with a smile. He was always up for a bit of fun and enjoyed entertaining others with his snow gift. Actually he enjoyed entertaining himself with it even but what's so bad about that? Nothing, he would say.
"I can but perhaps another day." A simple and short answer because the roan stallion was not one to put all his eggs in one basket. There were a few other things he could do but he did not wave his other gifts about carelessly as the snow. One he wouldn't be able to show her anytime soon it was likely, without the pull of another's magic it was utterly useless.
"The Dale is a quiet place, a nice place but quiet. We live as a close group, a family of sorts not a herd- a kingdom. You could of course come and go, visit the field, the meadow, the forest, make friends. Any help would be appreciated but not demanded, unless you choose to join a caste." His eyes look up and far away as he speaks, as if he ponders each word before it is spoken.
"War and peace, that's what we have. One for Soldiers one for Diplomats. You could even come and see the Dale for yourself before you decide, we won't keep those who do not wish to stay." His ears roll forward as if he has just asked a question and waits for an answer. Weir would be delighted to show her the way...
"I can but perhaps another day." A simple and short answer because the roan stallion was not one to put all his eggs in one basket. There were a few other things he could do but he did not wave his other gifts about carelessly as the snow. One he wouldn't be able to show her anytime soon it was likely, without the pull of another's magic it was utterly useless.
"The Dale is a quiet place, a nice place but quiet. We live as a close group, a family of sorts not a herd- a kingdom. You could of course come and go, visit the field, the meadow, the forest, make friends. Any help would be appreciated but not demanded, unless you choose to join a caste." His eyes look up and far away as he speaks, as if he ponders each word before it is spoken.
"War and peace, that's what we have. One for Soldiers one for Diplomats. You could even come and see the Dale for yourself before you decide, we won't keep those who do not wish to stay." His ears roll forward as if he has just asked a question and waits for an answer. Weir would be delighted to show her the way...