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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am entirely made of flaws, sewn together with good intentions (krys pony)
    have i been lost? inside myself and my own mind
    hypnotized; mesmerized by what my eyes have seen

       Tonight, she has wandered far beyond the boundaries she had once so tightly held onto with fragile whims, uncertain of what lie beyond them and unwilling to find out. Her youth was beginning to slip away with each passing day and with each changing season, and she was growing tired of the familiar faces and the loneliness that so deeply penetrated her to the marrow of her bones. Abandoned within hours of birth and given as a parting gift to another, she had always longed for something more. She did not know love; only what love had presented itself to her - the way her beloved Kirin would gently touch, caress and adoringly preen her, and how he would speak so softly to her - but she knew naught the difference.

       She did know his time was little with her and he could not lavish his attention on her long before another would come crawling out of the woodwork, jealously seeking his adoration as she had, and once more she would be left to her own devices. She did not know what the lavender beast would think of her various wanderers, but dusk made it so simple to slip away. The sky was painted in illustrious shades of pink, tangerine and of sunshine, enticing her into the quiet, icy evening air. She pressed forth through the thicket, shivering as stray barren branches trace and scratch along her sensitive silvery black pelt, her doe eyes searching for a clearing.

       At last, she steps out, oblivious to the presence of any other - she does not search; she is too enthralled with the brilliant colors of the sky to pay worry much mind. She spreads her wings then, expanding them broadly to each side as she flexes their length, a soft coo escaping her restrained vocal cords as she allows the tension to run its course through her growing muscles as she stretches. She shakes then, rattling the various dried leaves and twigs that entangled themselves between the delicate lines of feathers, before she draws them close to her body again.

       She breathes in the sweet air, letting it fill her aching lungs as she nears the waters' edge. The shadows of dusk betray her and hide away the darkest shadow of all lurking within the pond as she sweeps down, her lips gently kissing her reflection as she heavily drinks of its hydrating essence. An eerie sensation washes over her as she surrenders herself to the oncoming embrace of evening, listening to the hushed whispers of crickets and the light rustling of drying, dying leaves that still cling needlessly to their branches. She can feel it - something is watching her. Caution bubbles in the pit of her stomach as she draws her eyes up, peering into the descending darkness - the falling sun muddles it all together, blending what is and isn't there into an altogether troubling way - and then her eyes meet his.

       Her brown doe eyes widen, and her heart begins to pound roughly against her chest while her blood pumps forcefully through her veins. The adrenaline flows freely now, and her muscles tense as his do, but she remains rooted. It was not often in her adventures that she found herself in the presence of another, and she could not help but to hope for more than a hurried goodbye.

    "Forgive me, I didn't see you there," She murmurs, barely above a whisper, though her gaze never leaves his. "my name is Misra - am I interrupting? Should I go?"


    immortal winged child of silver cove


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    RE: I am entirely made of flaws, sewn together with good intentions (krys pony) - by Misra - 03-14-2016, 02:01 AM

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