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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time? [Dem, PRIVATE]


    Night settles on the Cove as he gathers Potion from their Den, shushing the girl though she protests very little. He brushes slowly and gently along Nicia’s side, savoring the sweet salt of not only the ocean but her flesh. Medic and Asvin rouse too but he assures them they should stay with their Mother, dream sweet dreams and soon he will return. Potion gives her sisters a soft smile, they nod in knowing and without a word find their resting places once again.

    Kirin stands at the archway of the cave, looking in at his cherished ones, most would not know just how much of a loving Father he truly was. All they knew was his way, all they thought was how twisted and wrong he was but the results spoke for themselves. Say what they will of his methods, his desires.

    Along their borders his family waits, those he has appointed watch in his absence, Kult and Kohl. No longer needed at their traitorous Mother’s side, they had nothing better to do than heed Kirin’s needs. And though they did not grieve their loss, for what monsters could spare a tear for a liar, they knew very well the outcome of betrayal. The Cove’s skies he left to Kirke, the girl always eager to please and growing ever the skilled flier- who else would he trust? She had proved her worth the day she had slaughtered her own Mother, such a worthy and delightful child she was growing to be.

    Crickets trill only to be hushed by their nearing footfall, the Valley borders open without question knowing full well any intentions from the lavender stallion would be for the Kingdom, not against. A spot of trouble, a quick answer, isn’t that what we all seek?

    For some the answers came with a trade and sly smile, they came from a lavender beast with the face of an angel and foul soul. When he was ready he would come and collect as was his way, for now the flash of his eyes signaled his presence and with his eldest child he waits.

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove

    This is [SECRET/PRIVATE POST] I can take out mention of Nica, Medic and Asvin at Sin’s request. Kirke can be removed at request of Tinsel.

    Messages In This Thread
    Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time? [Dem, PRIVATE] - by Kirin - 03-13-2016, 04:23 PM

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