Golden cranium dipped to acknowledge Jedi’s siding. She was quite pleased in his choice that would even the balance of peace keepers and warriors. Her successful recruit was a small victory she felt immense pride in. ”Nice to meet you Jedi, I’m glad you chose to join us. I have been with the kingdom for just 3 seasons now. 7 or 8 moon cycles I think.” she responded to his inquiry. It may not be long enough for much of a foothold here but she was dedicated to the cause all the same.
The sight of Ygritte with the twins is a beautiful sight. Their exuberance and innocence a pleasure to witness and the pride perceived in their mother’s eyes. Honey coloured limbs stepping in place, sharing in the enthusiasm. The bay mother extends a greeting and Ashara mimics her reach. Amber pools admiring the duo as they are introduced. ”Lovely to meet you both.”
Where she had come from the mares birthed children out of obligation to their leader. Satisfying his spring desires to keep their place and earn protection. Here was a strong independent queen, who held a great deal of control and persuasion, one who was not worn out like an old broodmare, a true mother. ”You must be so proud,” she speaks fondly to the queen.
As the two grown ups discuss politics, the palomino watches the youngsters. No fear, no worries, no responsibilities. Their only concern for the moment is their mothers nurturing and sustenance. She was off day-dreaming of simpler times, of mother’s deliciously sweet and smooth milk, of playing with half siblings when another voice startled her from the calming thoughts. Her head jerking to it’s direction and pools wide. So this was the king she had heard about. She had gown fond of the female leadership and hoped his presence wouldn’t be too demanding. ” Hello Kreios, I am Ashara. Ygritte has spoken gallantly of you.” She searched for something else to say, perhaps she should have addressed him more formally. Pulling a front limb up to her belly and leaning back onto her haunches, she gave a half bow of respect. Her loyalty would always be to the bay and coral woman but she would still respect and oblige the king.
Wherever I am, is exactly where I'm supposed to be.