Ely definitely chose an interesting home. It fits him with him being completely wondrous and all. I on the other hand feel like I stick out like a weed amongst the flowers. I know that I have a lot of great features going for me (such as my perky optimism), but I also know that my lack of magical energy makes me a little less desirable. Thankfully Ely doesn’t think like I do- I guess he truly excels over me in several ways. Since coming to the Valley I haven’t had a whole lot of time to explore the borders. I stuck near Ely until the girls were born, and now that they are romping around the kingdom I believed I should take a bit of time to take in the sites.
It was with this assertive thought that I slunk away from my family and went hunting for curiosities along the border. The heat was a real life-drainer. Normally when I explored I galloped sing-songedly through the grasses. Today with sweat uncaringly dripping down my chin I kept to a steady tread. About thirty minutes into my hike a quiet lullaby once sung by my mother floated into my head. She was a bastardly singer, but I do believe that I do the tune more justice. My head swung from one side to another as I hummed the upbeat tune beneath my breath. It wasn’t until the best part came that I let out an uproarious ”LALALALALAAAAAAAAAAA” I swung my head backward and bellowed with little care.
A growl suddenly rose in succession causing my attention to snap back into the present. Somehow I had managed to stumble upon two unfamiliar horses. One was quite handsome with towering wings. ”Hello!” I said quite joyfully with my gaze drifting between them. ”Aren’t you cute…” I directed my last words toward the wolf that sat so comfortably beside the jaguar stallion.
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