An alabaster goddess is how many may describe her. Her blue eyes are piercing with her creamy white coat. The bright summer sun gave her a gorgeous sheen. She tossed her head and snorted as she traveled on. She was looking for something new. Something adventurous. Maybe even looking for trouble. It seemed to follow my dear relentlessly.
It was not all her fault. She could not help males were attracted to her everywhere she went. She also could not help her sarcastic mouth that spit out whatever she was thinking. Emerald stalks danced as her pearly white legs glided forth with the most beautiful floating trot. As her nares widened she drew in a deep breath. Yes, she was sure of it, she could smell others of the equine sort.
She picked her pace up into a canter but she still kept herself collected. Her quiet presence could be demanding at times. Her beauty however was loud and entrancing. She reached the top of the field and looking down upon the other horses the excitement bubbled up from with in her until it was spilling over and she shifted her weight back to her hocks and lifted her body upwards with her legs thrashing out at the air.
When her feet touched the earth again she let out a shrill whinny and galloped towards the group bucking the whole way. There are times in life it is appropriate to be quiet and times it is appropriate to be loud. Now was on of those times. She was overwhelmed as she had been traveling for some time now.
She was doing a happy dance the best way a horse could throwing in lots of twists and turns and kicking up her heels. TEALi did not care if she looked a fool as a new comer. She did not mind sticking out in the least. In fact, part of her hoped to gain attention. Now as such a young mare who could blame her for wanting the affections of her male counterparts.
Of course my girl would require some serious courting to get her to cooperate the opposite sex as well. She lifted her tail in a flirty fashion and slowed back down to an easy trot. Her heart was pumping so loudly she could feel her pulse through her body. She gulped in air for a moment while she took in her surroundings. Yes, this would be what she called home, at least for now,
Who knows where this life where lead her?
Image of Innocents