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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Kingdom Will Grow Yet [JEDI, YGRITTE]


    The bay and salmon pointed woman had been off within the embrace of the Falls. Time to time she would sink deeply within the foliage, consumed by the tangles of greens but this time was different. The mare had felt her belly swelling with the seed that had taken hold. As she grew in width, Ygritte stayed away longer in the privacy of the land. Kreios was off with his family but she knew the king would return once the war had finished and the land settled once more. As for now, Ygritte kept things in order and Ashara was finding comfortable in her new home.

    In the dark of the night, the pain of labor woke the mare from her sleep. It was familiar as this child was her second but at least now Ygritte understood, was at peace. Limbs move to find a soft ring of moss and grasses to make her nest. Under the moon's gentle gaze did the woman birth not one but two babes. Two perfect little girls. It came to a surprise of their mother but both fillies were healthy and strong.

    Some days pass till they are strong enough to travel safely. They bound ahead and under their mother with ferocious energy. The two girls, bay with grey-blue points are identical in size and motion. Ygritte moves with a small but proud smile as she knew to raise the pair with a tender but stern hand.. Amber hued pools scan the topography with mild interest as she watches the little girls bounce against one another, gumming at each other's manes. Ygritte smiles  softly when the sound of voices catch her attention.

    Ashara was with another. She explains the working of the kingdom as Ygritte had done so. The woman would make a fine diplomat. It was warming to her heart that she golden damsel had already gone and sought out a new member for the growing kingdom. As svelte limbs draw the mare closer, she gives a small but silvery call. The two fillies stay close to their mother as instinct tells them. "Welcome Jedi." The tones are low and velvety as she speaks, the tongue moving fluidly with the syllables. Cocoa tinted pools shifting to those of Ashara and the mare extends her muzzle. "I am glad to see your face, Ashara-" attention shifts to that of the painted stallion's "as well as yours, Jedi. I hope it suits your standards." A small chuckle flows from the flower crowned mare's coral lips. The little girls stand silently by their mother and gazing up at the other equines with wide, wide eyes. "Please meet my daughters, Cometissa and Elysi." Ygritte bumps each child lightly with her muzzle and the girls giggle in return to their mother's touch, jumping up slightly to place little kisses on her cheeks.


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    RE: This Kingdom Will Grow Yet [JEDI, YGRITTE] - by Ygritte - 03-11-2016, 08:16 PM

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