03-10-2016, 09:18 PM
The pinto stag gladly followed the palomino mare into his new home. It was weird for the stag to think of any place as his home for he had been traveling alone for so long. The stag looked at the field with joy, it was beautiful and he could see himself settling here for some time. The stag intently listened to the mare as she spoke about the two sides, diplomatic or warrior. He also noticed the mare state there was no warriors to the land as of yet, which he found odd. Who would protect the lands? obviously the lead stag would, but if another kingdom ambushed would the stag be enough to protect the kingdom? "I think I will speak with Ygritte about the warriors. I have been in a couple spars in my days." the brute had a decent build and was more than capable of protecting himself, he would protect his new found family with his life should he have to. The stag listened as the mare again spoke, this time she asked for his name. The stag perked up embarrassed he did not introduce himself as she did to him. "I apologize for my rudeness, my name is Jedi." The stag spoke he gave a small nicker "Ashara, how long have you been in this kingdom? the stag asked, curious to if she was already taken to a stallion.