She finds herself among the grassy hills this morning – grassy hills that are hundreds of miles away from where she was just days ago. Mentally and physically, she muses to herself. She knew exactly where to go even though she has not been here since she was a child – and never the Field. It's almost like being a native to this mother land makes it have it's own compass within one's soul. She's always known that one day she would come back and she even knew where it is she would go first and what she would desire to find at said place.
Upon her arrival, just after crossing the borders, she heads for a spot that looks perfect to watch everything from. She moves off with muffled movements across the softened soil; self trained in the way of stealth. The pale mare stands on the edge of the seas of waving green with trees at her back; strategically setting herself away from the crowds in order to observe them and the likely places that comers would emerge from (though some recruiters can be sneaky). It's early morning and the only thing making immediate noise around her is the peaceful song of birds and the whisper of a sprig breeze that falls from the mountaintops, weaving in and out of the forests before spilling onto the field. Her body takes a relaxed stance and her sense absorb into her surroundings. Her long milky ears sporting sprigs of her thick hair that have fallen messily over her poll – she has entirely too much hair to contain all at once. Her tail is just as unkempt and thick, only it's a bit muddier than her dreaded mane. Her blazing eyes are hidden behind a veil of creamy forelock, only revealing if she flicks her head to cast the curtain aside. She can see perfectly enough to be useful, in her opinion, and she quite likes being able to hide any expression her eyes may betray against her will.
So here she waits, where field and forest meet and a little knoll comes popping up from the earth. The wind is getting stronger every now and then, making her long hair dance wildly with it's current.
in the bleak midwinter
anyone is welcome, but it will take a lot of convincing to get her to go to kingdom xD
ps. SOMEONE maybe could drag her to the chamber,
her mom served as a general there forever ago and she was born there and all..[city grumbles]