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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'll hold with those who favor fire [any]

    Spring in the Valley...it was the ex prince's favorite time of year. Everyone was beginning to wake up from their frozen winter states, new life emerging. He knew this time of year brought more young blood to the kingdom, making the kingdom grow stronger. The buckskin boy was on his way to the field on this warm quiet afternoon. He felt at ease, the sound of the Valley pines swaying softly in the warm breezes that flowed through the Valley. Though his mind was still troubled. It was not that long ago it seemed that his father, Oxytocin, was on the throne. He was so sure that when his father left the throne that it would have been his....he sinks into the dark pool of his thoughts..imagining what would have been. But not now, not yet. His time would surely come. He was a born a Valley prince, there is still some chance for him yet being as young as he is. He shakes himself to reality, remnants of dust from his morning roll poofed off of him like small clouds. He continues along the treeline, nothing peculiar or new could be traced. Soon enough the breeze carries a new scent from the trees, Davorin stops, his head and ears erect. His nostrils flared, taking in the scent. I don't know this smell...it is not of the Valley... he thinks to himself as he takes a few bouncing steps forward, letting out a few roars.

    Out of his periferal vision he can see a black form moving quietly through the trees, his naive bravery gets the best of him and he struts forward, puffing himself up like an old war horse. His eyes gleaming with curiosity as he approaches the black horse in the shadow of the pines. His voice is calm, yet somewhat diplomatic, "You there, yes, you. What is your name? What brings you to the Valley?" his lips curl into a satisfied smile. He does not give his name or previous title yet though. This is his first time greeting someone at the border, his first task as an adult in this kingdom. It had been so long since he was able to branch off and start pulling his own weight in the kingdom, especially now that his family is no longer in rule. He waits patiently, looking curiously at the black stallion before him. He had never seen him before, though there was something "Valley-esque" about him. But Davorin could not tell what made him seem that way. Maybe it was his quiet slinking through the trees. Aside from that, Dav knew no more. He wondered where he was coming from, what his business was here. Maybe he was an old Valley horse from the days before his birth. He could be anyone. Davorin may not seem like it, but he was the prince of this kingdom not too long ago, though he does have that little hint of authority in his voice and mannerisms. His mother made sure he was raised to not only be a prince, but also act like a proper one as well. Though now it was practically all a lost cause for his mother. He was glad she was not around to see his title be stripped.

    Messages In This Thread
    how the mighty have fallen - by Davorin - 05-04-2015, 06:49 PM
    RE: i'll hold with those who favor fire [any] - by Heliotrope - 05-05-2015, 01:08 PM

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