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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We are the warriors; birthing (covet/shah/anyone really)
    All that I need is for you to be bleeding,
    From my homicidal kiss

    Librette had hurried off without a word, but her very swollen barrel had given the nightmare the information she needed to know about the hurried departure. At a distance, she followed, set into her mind to watch over her new friend from a distance and provide safety to her and the young she was about to bring into the world. Feathered hooves made no noise in the lush spring grasses, mangled ears alert as she stopped a couple hundred yards away from the other mare. Dark eyes scanned the horizon, making sure all was safe here as Librette pushed out the foal within her womb.

    A filly emerged, and Alptraum's lips tugged into a smile, and then she would have arched a brow if she had one because the little one had orange eyes. It was breathtaking in that chestnut face, an almost mirror image of her mother, except for the extraordinary eyes. The nightmare almost revealed herself as the foal landed strangely, but stopped short as the filly merely blinked and got up. That was...curious..indeed. Perhaps they had horses here who lived indefinitely, no matter what happened to them. Turning her attention back to Librette, she watched in wonder as a second foal emerged. That was something she had never seen before, she had heard of dual births but had never actually known anyone who had carried twins. This filly was a duplicate of her mother down to the chocolate of her eyes, and that only widened Alptraum's smile.

    She was about to step out and introduce herself to the little ones when a large black stallion emerged from the other side of the clearing they were in. Ears flattened themselves against her skull as she watched him, then flicked forward as she saw the glowing orange of his eyes. Well unless there was more than one orange eyed horse this must be the fillies father. Emerging from the shadows at last as Librette names the two little ones to the stallion, she approaches cautiously, stopping at a respectable distance from the new mother and her young, yet still close enough to protect them from anything that might try to harm them. Dipping her head, she introduces herself to the man after speaking to Librette.

    They are beautiful Librette, and the names are as well., turning to the man she says, I am Alptraum.

    Lowering her head down to the levels of the two fillies, she chuckles as she watches Valkerine become a little shining spark of curiosity. That one would be much fun later on, she could already tell. Thorrun on the other hand, something was..off...about the filly. Perhaps it was the total emptiness of her eyes, or perhaps it was just her general disinterest with everything around her. But both would be protected by the nightmare, fiercely protected. A looming shadow of protection that would annihilate anything that tried to harm them, no matter what that thing might be. Tangled tail swishes against scarred haunches as she awaits replies from Librette and the man, though her attention is focused on Valkerine.

    10 years
    Black (Ee/aa)
    Percheron x Friesian
    18 hands
    No Consort, The Valley, No Hellspawn

    You see, I'm not like those other girls, baby
    I'm your bloody creature poster girl

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: We are the warriors; birthing (covet/shah/anyone really) - by Alptraum - 05-03-2015, 12:12 PM
    All things are possible: - by Shahrizai - 05-04-2015, 12:47 PM
    All things are possible: - by Shahrizai - 05-19-2015, 12:35 AM

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