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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We are the warriors; birthing (covet/shah/anyone really)
    Her first impression is that the world is...well...big. She slips out easily, a contrast to the almost-disaster of her sister's birth, and everything is large. For the longest time it's been just them, just warmth and closeness, snuggled up together. But now she's here and it's big, but that's okay because she is still here, nudging her, helping her get up.

    And she does, a goofy, sweet, grin on her face.

    And so it is established that they are mirrors, so very close in appearance, but so very different in personality. Where Sister has eyes like hot pumpkin (you're welcome), she has eyes of a sweet brown. Where Sister looks with disinterest and judgment, to her, the whole world is her playground, and she can't wait to go roll around in all the mud.

    But for now, it's time to nurse, and so she does.


    She is grateful that Covet happens upon them after she's given birth. She really just is not comfortable with the process herself, and she'd probably have tried to kill him if he'd tried to play spectator. But she's fine with him being here now - just so long as he doesn't expect them to play happy family. Librette is not very good at that game.

    But he isn't, he doesn't, and his almost clinical detachment suits her just fine. They'd had a deal, after all. He'd made her a proposal and she accepted. "Yes." she answers his question, figuring that that's a thing she probably should've done, because he's asking about it. Maybe he'll imagine that she whispered their names tenderly in their ears right after birthing. Or whatever it is good mothers do. "Thorrun and Valkerine." She's surprised at how easily the names come to her lips. Maybe she's had the names in her mind all along? Realizing that she hasn't defined which one is which, she indicates her head toward the filly with the brown eyes. "Valkerine." She indicates the filly with the orange eyes. "Thorrun." she pauses for a moment. "She's got your eyes. And I think your other traits too. The way she landed when she came out...wasn't right. But she's fine now." She adds the last part hurriedly, although it's perfectly obvious that the girl is up and nursing.


    The world is not just her and Sister and Mommy anymore. There's a black stallion now, but Mommy seems okay with it, so she supposes she is too. Sister seems unconcerned with this whole thing, but to her, she's quite interested. What else will this world throw at them? She wants to see all of it.

    She is about to step away from Mommy, to step toward the stranger, but then Mommy says something and deep in her heart she knows it's something important. She doesn't entirely understand what a Name means yet, but the stallion seems to think it's important, and so does Mommy, so she's going to listen. Apparently, they each have a Name, and Sister's is Thorrun and hers is Valkerine. Valkerine, she thinks, and she smiles. She likes it.

    She bumps her sister with her nose. "Thorn!" she says with great enthusiasm, trying (and absolutely failing) to pronounce the name that Sister has just been given. She giggles, coughs adorably in the process of clearing her throat, and then tries again. "Thor run." it's two words where it should be one, but she's getting the idea. She grins.

    Learning of names completed, she decides it's time to investigate the stallion, making it obvious that she has little common sense and no fear. With a quick touch oh her nose to Sister (Thorrun, she reminds herself, although she knows it probably won't ever replace Sister), she moves away from Mommy. Walking on wobbly filly legs, she moves over so that she's standing almost directly in front of him, comically tiny and small in comparison to him.

    She looks him over, as seriously as a tiny filly can, and decides to use that word that he and Mommy seemed to think was so important. "Name?!" it's both a demand and a curious question, both question mark and exclamation point, all rolled into one. But she doesn't keep up the seriousness for very long, and her face splits into a sweet filly grin, brown eyes crinkling up in amusement in a way her mother's never have.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: We are the warriors; birthing (covet/shah/anyone really) - by Valkerine - 05-03-2015, 10:48 AM
    All things are possible: - by Shahrizai - 05-04-2015, 12:47 PM
    All things are possible: - by Shahrizai - 05-19-2015, 12:35 AM

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