05-02-2015, 11:27 AM
As a child you would wait, and watch from far away. But you always knew you'd be the one to work while they all play. She chuckles. "I'm no diplomat either." she glances over to Alp, her unremarkable brown eyes catching the much larger mare's gaze. "The Valley has two different castes, one of fighters, and one of diplomats. I'm in both, mostly because we always need both. I'm not really…very good with words." she says the last part almost sheepishly, as though embarrassed. And really, she has every right to be embarrassed, because she's ruled the kingdom and yet remains pretty terrible at being a diplomat. She should know what to say, how to speak, how to flatter – and still, after all this time, when it comes to talking by far her best words are her hooves and her teeth. "You'd be welcome in the war caste." she says, knowing it's true. She might not be the General, but she's been one in the past, and she knows that new recruits are always welcome. Alp speaks again, mentioning her scars and kingdoms where looks matter and then asks about the king. Librette smiles again, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "The Valley is all about actions." she says, her voice flat with truth. "We don't really care what you look like. It's all about what you do." She flicks her tail across her unremarkable haunches, shifting her wings against her sides. "I mean, look at me, I'm far from beautiful and I've done…a lot of things here in the Valley." she's too shy to boast of her achievements, many though they may be. She's held every rank of note here with the exception of head of the diplomats. Because no horse in their right mind would ever make Librette head of any diplomats, anywhere, at any time. "Our king is Eight." she says, her voice flat. She doesn't mention that he's been absent of late, although she doesn't doubt that Alptraum will notice if she stays long enough. It's not entirely unsurprising; he is a magician, and magicians are known for wandering. She simply hopes that he will be here when they need him, that he'll return when it counts. "He's a magician." she explains to Alp. "He has magic the same way I have my wings." She is silent for a moment. "Was there anything like that, where you came from?" she looks to the much taller woman. "Wings and magic, that kind of thing?" Don't weep for me LIBRETTEBecause this will be the labor of my love.
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