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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You Should Keep In Mind;(Birthing) Zayn, any
    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    An ability? Her bloodline was pristine. Cleansed of all abilities of magic. She was just an ordinary Rocky Mountain Horse, how could her son have an ability?

    The women stays quiet. Lobes pricked as she watched the wretched eyed stallion. Yes, she was weary of his presence near her newborn child. It wasn't necessarily the thought of Waylan being injured, it was the thought of danger. She knew Zayn would eventually steal her child away from his mother and train him for diabolical doings, as he had probably done to his so called apprentice.

    The thing that bothered her at the moment, was that the pale stallion was advancing forwards upon her and her child. Causing her to become gravely tense, her muscles quivered  as she tried to hold back her hormones.

    He was close, to close. His head was lowered as he said his hello to Waylan. She could hardly stand the brutes presence, she was about to let herself loose upon him."Zayn..." her vocals trailed off, as a faint warning. She didn't wish to hurt him, especially around Waylan. It just wasn't right.

    In a moment she began to gently stand over her son, her legs avoiding his petite body. As she stood over him in a protective manner. Almost in a forceful manner steering Zayn away.

    Her muzzle reached out grabbing ahold of his Palimino flesh in attempt to push him away. She let go before drawing blood upon his pale coat. She was annoyed that he had gotten close, too close for that fact.

    Her dark chocolate body lunged forwards, mindful of Waylan beneath her feet. It was yet another warning. He better get going now. Not for the sake that she ever so exhausted but also she felt uncomfortable in his presence.


    image © nathan walker

    OOC: this is crap. And I honestly have no idea what I was going with this.
    [Image: untitled_drawing_by_caninevulpes-d9e6vik.png]

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    RE: You Should Keep In Mind;(Birthing) Zayn, any - by Becca - 02-15-2016, 05:00 PM

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