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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Comfortably Numb {Open}

    "She's lost inside..."

    The cuts had begun to burn as she walked within the field, yet with the pain came the waves of numbness. They washed over her, drowning her in a sense of comfortableness that she had become used to. It swelled up around her in a hurricane of simplicity. She couldn't remember a time where her emotions weren't caged up like a bird, bursting inside yet only to die on deaf ears. She hadn't even taken notice of the blood that the stallions had left upon her white coat. It's funny how that works out. She tried to bring in the humor, yet just like that, it had died within her, so she padded along, her orbs capturing the day with nothing by the grass underneath her hooves. It was trampled, just like her. It was dying, just like her. And yet, she couldn't seem to care anymore.

    And then she felt it. Her body shifting, her feet awkwardly catching on the ground in a choppy movement of falling, yet she didn't. Not quite. Not this time, at least. The stallion's frame bumped into hers, not hard at all, yet it shook her. In the smallest ways, she was shaken. Whether it be from the dried wounds cracking open once again, or the feeling of another body actually touching her. Of course he didn't mean to, not that she would know. She barely even looked up through the slithers of mane that never seemed to move. Just like the stallion, she was blind to the world, maybe less literal than him, though.

    How peculiar. Her head finally dragged itself up, its weight slowly dragging her into the unknown. Her eyes stared at the stallion, the one that's eyes were not there, the one that wasn't even facing the right direction, yet the one that held a smile. Even though his lips were pulled up, though, she still felt like she was intruding. A sigh passed her maw, her eyes traveling over him like a map. He was a map, in more ways than most, a symbol of a change. A symbol of something more. And it scared Elowen how close she was to this symbol of change.

    "Demian," Her voice was soft and whimsical among his presence, almost as if it had no meaning, yet contained everything to her. As she stared at him, at the stripes, at the sockets of his eyes, at the wings, she felt....what was it? Peace, perhaps...

    "Interruption? Of...my day? No. No, not that." Her words were muttered and useless, her head falling back down, her hooves chopping up dirt. A sigh passed her lips before she realized she had failed to give him her name. Or did he ask? She was confused, that was clear. A name is just a name, though. Contemplating life was her forte, yet before she got too caught up in her own thoughts again, she looked back at him through the peeks of her mane. She liked that he couldn't see her. Force once, she liked being invisible.

    "Elowen," Another drawl of her word, a lift of her lips to try and fake an emotion, yet then she noticed that he didn't care. He couldn't see her expressions, therefore, why would he care? And for once, in what seemed like forever, she smiled for real. "The name is Elowen."

    ooc: No! Your post was fantastic, and I love him! I just hope you forgive me for my terrible post. I wasn't sure how to make her, as she's a bit of an air-head at times, but yeah... Sorry!


    Messages In This Thread
    Comfortably Numb {Open} - by Elowen - 02-14-2016, 03:47 PM
    RE: Comfortably Numb {Open} - by demian - 02-14-2016, 04:27 PM
    RE: Comfortably Numb {Open} - by Elowen - 02-14-2016, 04:59 PM
    RE: Comfortably Numb {Open} - by demian - 02-16-2016, 01:29 AM

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