His boyish voice was slowly cracking and twisting into what would be his life long vocals of power and manipulation later in life. But it was slow going. His black body flickers every now and again with a image that is not his. Sometimes its at random other times it corilates with something he is touching. He would not fully have control over this gift for a while.
But he can remember the feeling of complete power over it. Complete and total single mindedness that followed with it. He was finding that his rage was a great source for the replication process to take hold. Today he trods through the grasses looking to the dirt for answers. Pacing where he had left his mother to rot. The marks of cloven hooves send a flash of red and black, a dull crunch of death, a reminder that she was not here anymore.
Then steps aproach, flickering his green orbs to the present. His brow glowers with distian towards the intruder. But its only a filly, a filly with long gangly legs, a filly with green and red. A filly just as he is a colt. Though draftly in his build, well muscled even at his young age. But the fluff of straw fur along his neck give away his real age. Crowning his neck he grunts Hi. But before he continues his image flickers in and then out disapearing for a moment as a butterfly floats where he had stood just a moment before.
Then the black colt is back. Just as he was completely unaware of what had happened. She to flickers in and out of his vision for a few brief moments. Then she seems solid. Whats up? He doesn't want to give away his name... not yet anyways. Maybe some other moment would lead to that, but if she wasn't offering anything why the hell would he? His rage boils, and green eyes grow toxic.
Then he decides to step forward. A sure foot infront of another, and his nostrils widen extending his neck so that he can sniff at her. The stench of fear overloading her glands. Once again he recoils his eyes slitting to look into hers. His minds gear working and clicking through, what had happened? Why was she so scared? And yet, at the same time he was not going to ask. Not yet.