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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    "If God created a creature more beautiful than the horse, he kept it for himself")
    Unknown to the stallion, Iona was indeed surprised at having noticed he did not have any eyes, clearly attributing to why he didn't seem to be looking straight at her. However, she wasn't incredibly surprised, for she had seen a horse of similar conditions, back in her home herd. The poor thing had been one of the victims of the mountain lion attack that day, the very same attack in which she'd lost her mother.

    It was hard, to look at the stallion now and not remember, but she did not voice her surprise, nor show it. She didn't exactly know how to act around him yet, not without offending him at least. For all she knew, either dropping hints about it, or even keeping quiet might offend him.

    So, instead of doing either, she just made sure to speak nice and clear; it wasn't out of obligation, she always did, just to be sure others could understand what she was saying. As a filly, she'd had a bit of a stutter due to her shyness prior to the death of her mother. It had become a habit of hers to make sure she spoke clearly, to avoid falling back into that nervous tidbit of stuttering every other sentence.

    Not failing to notice the smile on the stallion's face growing wider, Iona's did the same. She gave her mane a quick shake, tossing her neck before turning to fully face him, "You have nothing to ask for forgiveness Demian. I myself haven't lived here long either; I understand how it can be."

    Iona remained quiet as Demian continued to speak, telling him what he was doing out here. He described the home - kingdom, she reminded herself - and his task at helping those that needed new homes. Silently wondering for a brief moment who Rhonan is, but not voicing it, Iona kept her attention focused on the stallion. For some reason, she felt herself a bit unsettled at the fact of a stallion and mare ruling together.

    Back in her traveling days, every herd she'd come across had a stallion leader, and a mare that, while not a queen, was often referred to as the 'favorite', the 'lead' mare. When the herd had to flee from danger, the mare would lead the way, the stallion lagging in the back to watch for danger and help urge the herd along. It was all hat Iona was used to.

    Would this... kingdom, be any different than that? Or were the ruling different? How exactly did these 'leaders' run their kingdom? Were they kind to other horses, like Demian?

    While still a bit unsure of the idea, for some reason, the mare's curiosity was piqued. She silently decided that, if she had any questions, she could simply ask on the way to the kingdom, and then look forward to getting to know the area if she decided to stay.

    Not commenting on the obvious pause that Demian had left in after the word 'stallion' when he was nearly finished explaining how a kingdom worked, Iona spoke once more.

    "I... I would like to see what this place, the Valley, is like. I'd like to take a look, and I would appreciate it if you could show me around. I would more than likely get lost," she stated, a small embarrassed chuckle finishing the sentence.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: "If God created a creature more beautiful than the horse, he kept it for hims... - by Iona - 02-12-2016, 02:25 AM

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