02-11-2016, 02:50 PM
I can tell almost immediately that I’ve wounded her, which is the last thing that I’d wanted to do. The filly is practically brimming with her own need to be self-sufficient. It spills over into her mannerisms and short words, but nothing that this girl could say would break my unusually thick skin. She is, after all, so much a reflection of myself that I start to understand my own dam’s frustration with me. “One hundred and eighty days!” I exclaim, ears falling back while my eyes open wide to suggest that I’m taken aback and impressed. Six months old? Her size betrays her. “Then of course, I’m in the wrong.”
Still, the smile remains on my lips and I cannot help but find her something of a diamond in the rough. She stills at my nearness, and I’m worried that I’ve scared her - after all, I wouldn’t personally take too kindly to a strange horse inhaling me. I don’t want to frighten her, so I ease back while she paces, her nervousness apparent in her troubled gaze. “Oh.” I muse softly, wondering if perhaps she is a wayward soul, or if she’s become lost from her creator. I think for a moment, ultimately deciding that I have nothing better to do with my time, so I roll my shoulders and make as if I’m suddenly bored with the others dispersed around us.
“It’s super weird.” I agree, turning my attention back to her with the quip of a smirk. “But enough boring talk. I haven’t really got any company so maybe you’d like to stick around for a bit with me?” I question, relaxing my position to insinuate that I was going to be here for some time. “I know you’re an adult and all, but I’m the master of hide-and-seek and I haven’t played it in a long time.” I suggest, wondering if the idea would entice her. I grin, easing forward so that my blue-black body is standing in front of a thick tree. With a quick look about I’ve got the gist of my surroundings, and then I use my trait to change my skin to match the backdrop - in effect, becoming somewhat invisible.
“My older brother is the only one who could sniff me out.” I laugh, changing back to the blue-black she first saw me in. If only she knew how literal that statement was. “Or we could do something else - cause a little trouble.” I muse, making my way back to her. “You know, just until someone comes around to claim you.”
Still, the smile remains on my lips and I cannot help but find her something of a diamond in the rough. She stills at my nearness, and I’m worried that I’ve scared her - after all, I wouldn’t personally take too kindly to a strange horse inhaling me. I don’t want to frighten her, so I ease back while she paces, her nervousness apparent in her troubled gaze. “Oh.” I muse softly, wondering if perhaps she is a wayward soul, or if she’s become lost from her creator. I think for a moment, ultimately deciding that I have nothing better to do with my time, so I roll my shoulders and make as if I’m suddenly bored with the others dispersed around us.
“It’s super weird.” I agree, turning my attention back to her with the quip of a smirk. “But enough boring talk. I haven’t really got any company so maybe you’d like to stick around for a bit with me?” I question, relaxing my position to insinuate that I was going to be here for some time. “I know you’re an adult and all, but I’m the master of hide-and-seek and I haven’t played it in a long time.” I suggest, wondering if the idea would entice her. I grin, easing forward so that my blue-black body is standing in front of a thick tree. With a quick look about I’ve got the gist of my surroundings, and then I use my trait to change my skin to match the backdrop - in effect, becoming somewhat invisible.
“My older brother is the only one who could sniff me out.” I laugh, changing back to the blue-black she first saw me in. If only she knew how literal that statement was. “Or we could do something else - cause a little trouble.” I muse, making my way back to her. “You know, just until someone comes around to claim you.”