02-10-2016, 05:27 PM
Sretan was quite enjoying her time so far with the towering brute before her. He seemed kind and warm, much more inviting than even her own mother. As he mentioned that Sidra was his sister and that he would help her find the mare, the filly's face lit up with excitement. She was eager to follow him, now completely forgetting that she had no idea where she was or where she should be, or even where her mother, her protector, was. Nope, right now Sretan was 110% focused on following Sahm to wherever his sister might be.
Barely waiting for him to start moving, Sretan continued the conversation, suddenly very hyper and talkative. "So where are your parents? I guess you're probably too old to live with your parents huh? I haven't met my dad yet, but Voudou says I will someday, he's just not around as much as he wants to be. Mom says he's the most wonderful horse in the whole world, and that I'll get to meet him someday soon." She was chattering mindlessly, not even giving the poor stallion a chance to respond, when he finally cut her off with words of his own. Who? Oh right! Sidra!!
The filly would have perked up more if it was possible. Speeding up into a trot, which barely put her at a faster pace than Sahm with his long legs, Sretan approached the new mare. Stopping just a couple feet away, not noticing the tension in the air, the filly bowed, before straightening out to analyze the stranger. She certainly looked just as Voudou described her, a bit less grumpy perhaps, and Sahm had said this was her so Sretan blindly accepted the fact. "Sidra? I'm Sretan..." her words were more hesitant now, intimidated by the tall figures and focusing on remembering what her mom had said. "Voudou...uh...mom told me to find you. She said you know who my dad is I guess... mom says she found him, and she wanted you to know but last time she saw you you got mad at her so she didn't tell you..." Sretan spent this time staring at the dirt, playing with the soil with one of her front hoofs, somehow scared to make eye contact, and slowly inching closer to Sahm.
It was then that a familiar scent once more appeared in the air. Looking to the right, having to peer under Sahm's stomach, Sretan uttered, "Mom?" though the black mare was still nowhere to be seen.daughter of jason and voudou
Barely waiting for him to start moving, Sretan continued the conversation, suddenly very hyper and talkative. "So where are your parents? I guess you're probably too old to live with your parents huh? I haven't met my dad yet, but Voudou says I will someday, he's just not around as much as he wants to be. Mom says he's the most wonderful horse in the whole world, and that I'll get to meet him someday soon." She was chattering mindlessly, not even giving the poor stallion a chance to respond, when he finally cut her off with words of his own. Who? Oh right! Sidra!!
The filly would have perked up more if it was possible. Speeding up into a trot, which barely put her at a faster pace than Sahm with his long legs, Sretan approached the new mare. Stopping just a couple feet away, not noticing the tension in the air, the filly bowed, before straightening out to analyze the stranger. She certainly looked just as Voudou described her, a bit less grumpy perhaps, and Sahm had said this was her so Sretan blindly accepted the fact. "Sidra? I'm Sretan..." her words were more hesitant now, intimidated by the tall figures and focusing on remembering what her mom had said. "Voudou...uh...mom told me to find you. She said you know who my dad is I guess... mom says she found him, and she wanted you to know but last time she saw you you got mad at her so she didn't tell you..." Sretan spent this time staring at the dirt, playing with the soil with one of her front hoofs, somehow scared to make eye contact, and slowly inching closer to Sahm.
It was then that a familiar scent once more appeared in the air. Looking to the right, having to peer under Sahm's stomach, Sretan uttered, "Mom?" though the black mare was still nowhere to be seen.