It feels safe here, that is her only real thought. Kidd is off, trying to prove her wrong, dancing around the edge of a cliff (Merope has told her to be careful, but she will not listen - her head is filled with something else, that girl), but the dread that would normally fill the mare is kept at ease. The girl may be young but she is not foolish (and she is not that close to the edge of the cliff), and the older mare finds herself breathing a little easier.They have only been here a day, if that; the pair of bay roan mares followed Chessur to this land, and after short tour the stallion left them to explore by themselves, adapt to this new environment. Their new home, Kidd keeps chattering excitedly, and Merope is smiling too widely to correct her - this is their new home, even if it feels strange and unwarm so far.
The filly has spent the past day filled with a buzzing that Merope cannot remember possessing herself, though she knows what it is; it is promise and hope and new things. New adventures. She barely slept during the night, too filled with everything all at once to settle, and the older mare stopped trying to hush her after a while. She is glad that the filly is so happy; she deserves to be happy.
They seem to be the only ones here, though the land is large and the pair haven’t explored as much as Kidd thought they would - the filly is too distracted by the sights and smells and tastes to travel far. Merope loves to watch her, as she flirts with butterflies, picks flowers from the grass and berries off trees. But some small part of her wonders if this is all there will be; herself, her daughter, a blue stallion.
She wouldn’t mind, she supposes. But it would be nice to have some friends. it would be nice for Kidd to have some friends.
i wasn't expecting that.