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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    kiss me, beneath the milky twilight;; chessur


    She doesn’t want to appear rude, keeping the girl away from this blue stallion, but she knows what can lurk beneath gentle eyes. She just hopes that it is a while yet before her daughter finds out the same thing.
    He steps back while Merope brings her daughter closer, and she finds that she is warming to this stallion, despite her efforts.

    Kidd huffs at being told off, even in such a subtle way; she is not - though her name and her mother may say otherwise - a child, and she should be allowed to make her own decisions (one day, she will long to be back under the care of her mother). She is nearly a whole year old, and that should mean that she can investigate anything - anyone - she wants to, even if she is too shy, too nervous to do so most of the time.
    But she does as her mother wants, anything to avoid those big brown eyes full of worry and a hint of disappointment.

    But she wants to go with this stallion, when he offers - she has waited for so long (nearly a whole year) for someone to protect her and her mother, for her mother often seems so disinterested in protecting herself. And so this big brave stallion, their knight in blue armour, maybe he is the answer; he is offering them both his home, and Kidd can barely control herself.
    “Yes, please!” bursts from her lips, and as soon as the words hit the air the filly is cowering away, away from her mother, away from Chessur. She shouldn’t have spoken so quickly, she might make her mother upset - it has happened before, Kidd’s overexcitement ruining the chance of a home (but that stallion was only interested in one thing, her mother said, though the girl doesn’t know what that one thing was).

    But Merope laughs, lightly, a flash of worry dancing in her eyes that is gone as quickly as it arrived. Her daughter may be easy to please but so was she, at that age. “I th-think you kn-kn-know the an-ans-answer to th-that,” she stutters softly, smiling gently.
    Somewhere to live, somewhere for the pair of them to be safe together. Maybe there will be children Kidd’s age, and mothers that Merope can befriend - she needs some parenting tips, for certain.
    She looks at Chessur, then to her daughter, her smile stretching. “B-But I think y-y-you’ll be br-bright enough any-anyway.” She laughs again, amazed at how easy the sound is.
    She thinks this might be what happiness feels like. It’s been so long she can barely remember.
    i wasn't expecting that.

    yay now it's official! I can get a post up in Gemstone ridge tomorrow sometime if that works? Smile

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    RE: kiss me, beneath the milky twilight;; chessur - by merope - 02-08-2016, 04:30 PM

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