Going to be the odd ball out, but I've always imagined the jungle "magic" coming from within the Jungle itself. So many of the plots have been played off of this (Echion's death, Hakeem's death and quite a few others that I can't think of right now as I'm suppose to be doing other things) that I think a magical "tree " (or something, IDK, suppose to be doing other things xD) would be more fitting to plots already made. I've always liked the feel of promising oneself TO the Jungle and the Jungle returning that promise with the tattoos. With the patronus, it feels like the promise would be made more towards that single figure (more in a god like way) where, if you anger the god (betray your promise) it will mark you. IDK, just kind of odd for me.
Don't get me wrong, a Jaguar patronus would be pretty epic, just not what I imagined as a source of it's magic
I'm suppose to be invoicing for our business right now since I work tomorrow, but just wanted to throw this out there.
Don't get me wrong, a Jaguar patronus would be pretty epic, just not what I imagined as a source of it's magic
I'm suppose to be invoicing for our business right now since I work tomorrow, but just wanted to throw this out there.