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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You Should Keep In Mind;(Birthing) Zayn, any
    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    Her barrel had grown over the multiple weeks and months. Due to her injuries, the girls legs were weak and faintly bruised by now causing her to lay dormant within the caves. Only did she straggle to get up in need of food or water, other wise she avoided going outside due to the cold. Soon, the girl found that spring had come to Beqanna, along came the new children to be born. She knew she would be due soon, pain had increased as small contractions were held mainly when she slept causing her to become restless and wander about in the evening more often.

    Finally it had came time, unlike her first child this child was different. The contractions were more serious and painful, so much as soon as she felt them she plummeted to the ground. Not that she wasn't expecting the contractions, but the hardness and force of it caused her to panic. Her first child, Midnite had been gentle, light little jumps and that was it. That's when she knew, it had to be a boy.

    After multiple hours of hard work and struggle, she found a dark chocolate damp lump at her hind. The hard work was complete but, she had much more before she could rest once more. She bit open the child's birth sac and began gently lapping the boy, his petite coat just like hers along with a light silvered mane. Before she could notice she found a pair of ruby eyes staring up at her, his eyes were blood red. In distress she jolted upwards, striding back a few paces from the child. His little voice piped up,"Mumma?" He seemed sweet enough for the girl, yet those red eyes.... A little gift from Zayn himself.

    She was positive he would be near soon, and decided to encourage the child upwards, he would be proud either way. The child had red eyes, like his father. And she was sure of it his father would be knocking at her door any second now. Gingerly she returned to the boy's side gently, tapping him with encouragement for him to rise into all four limbs, and surely he did sucessfully in little than a few seconds do encouragement. "Come sweet." she spoke softly guiding the little child's muzzle gently towards her source of milk.

    Her gaze shifted back to the cave opening expecting a pale figure to erupt from it any second. Briefly shifting her attention Becca returned it to her child to find he was gone, yet she could still feel his presence, his velvet coat upon hers. Yet he was no where in sight, in immediate panic the girl shrieked,"ZAYN!!!IF THIS IS A JOKE YOUR DEAD!!" She flared her nostrils searching about, her newborn child had to be somewhere right?


    image © nathan walker

    [Image: untitled_drawing_by_caninevulpes-d9e6vik.png]

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    You Should Keep In Mind;(Birthing) Zayn, any - by Becca - 02-03-2016, 03:29 PM

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