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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All the lights that shine strong only last for so long (Diplomats, Tiberios)

    There is an awkward silence that lingers long after mother and son greet the girl. It fills the spaces between their bodies, a pressurized and heated barrier that Talulah can’t overlook. She sees Tyrna watching her son. She sees the confusion muddling her otherwise cheery expression; she wonders what prejudices the woman can possibly harbor for one so innocent. Instinct tells her to move in front of Ramiel, but she does so reluctantly. It’s an obvious show of distrust (and she finds, for some inexplicable reason, that she does mistrust this girl) and it’s unfortunate, because the Falls has always been a reliable ally. Maybe she wouldn’t harm a child – maybe she still wants too, though. Talulah can’t take that chance.

    The black colt looks up at her, confused, until the sound of approaching hoofbeats distracts him. The pair turn in time to see Tiberios coming towards them. His scars – new and old – shine in the midday sun. Talulah sighs in relief, glad to have back-up for this mare who is failing at hiding her emotions. Just as soon as she thinks it, the metal-mare realizes why Tyrna is so upset. Glancing between the two sabinos, one black and one grey, their connection is obvious. And when Tiberios rushes to assure her that the girl is no danger, she is sure.

    Father and daughter embrace, and Talulah is too shocked to avert her gaze. Tyrna is no newborn (no yearling girl, either). She is a woman grown, dating her birth three years previous, at least. Is this why Tiberios was always coming and going, before? Her mind reconciles the pieces that she’d never been able to place – not until now, anyway. Tiberios had a daughter long before she’d had a son. And yet, he’d still been disappointed when she told him (she knew him too well to think he was totally happy for her - they have always been open books to each other and just as easily read). Suddenly, the wedge makes entirely too much sense.

    The rift grows between the pairs, father and daughter and mother and son. Talulah feels cast away by the silver girl, her presence unwanted and unneeded any longer. For his part, Ramiel still eyes Tyrna eagerly, waiting to assist in all the ways he is too young to do. But she completely ignores their greeting and questions. Talulah gently nudges the boy away, ready to take her leave. She looks to the sabino pair, gives a polite nod and adds, Tiberios is more than capable of handling your questions. Her eyes find his golden ones, making sure he actually is ok to face whatever else this woman has prepared for him. Finding no objections, the grey mare and black colt disappear further down into the Dale.

    t a l u l a h
    lady of the Dale

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    RE: All the lights that shine strong only last for so long (Diplomats, Tiberios) - by Talulah - 04-29-2015, 12:08 PM

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