01-28-2016, 06:40 PM
Her silhouette dances in the encroaching dusk, among the floating dandelions and soft flurries of snow flakes tenderly nurturing kissing her pale skin. At the moment she seemed lost in a dancing trance until she felt something linger in the distance that caused an abrupt pause. She didn't catch the tiny form approaching her with careful consideration. Breaths bounced her small ribcage in distressed pants while her eyes darted over the stretch of grass and the crests of colorful birds weaving in and out of the blades of wild flowers, watching the paradise with a sense of impatience.
Silent for all but the brush of the trees and the sigh of wind, only the small cries of timid birds gave sign of life through the woven field. Though the suspicion to their fright took her interest, watching them flutter from the trees in fits of disgruntled malice while they hovered and crooned, dove through the lush brown-green tapestry to come up for air again - That's when she saw the form from across the vast desolate stretch. In stirred interest she rolled her back in timid twitches, took to a few paces forward while the hairs along her spine ruffled and rose, nose low while she took a darting pace back and forth in a playful encouraging manner to invite the stranger.
Silent for all but the brush of the trees and the sigh of wind, only the small cries of timid birds gave sign of life through the woven field. Though the suspicion to their fright took her interest, watching them flutter from the trees in fits of disgruntled malice while they hovered and crooned, dove through the lush brown-green tapestry to come up for air again - That's when she saw the form from across the vast desolate stretch. In stirred interest she rolled her back in timid twitches, took to a few paces forward while the hairs along her spine ruffled and rose, nose low while she took a darting pace back and forth in a playful encouraging manner to invite the stranger.