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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It was to him the miser brought gold... ROUND IV
    The pain is unlike anything she has experienced before. Everything burns, her lungs, her limbs, skin, and bone. Each breath sends razor sharp spikes of hurt radiating from her broken bones and the base of her neck bleeds slowly from open puncture wounds. Her legs shake with the effort to remain standing, but she is alive.

    The seal absorbed slowly into her body, slowing her death and numbing the pain. It didn't heal all of her hurts, but hopefully it will be enough. Enough for her to return to the others at the very least. She couldn't do this on her own anymore.

    The walk back is slow and agonizing. She is able to avoid the roving packs of mutated beasts on the hunt for fresh blood, but it is a game that won't be played for much longer. The lamb has returned.

    Chrysaeta can see the others, black and white and red, gathered around the seal trying to defend it from the demonic little lamb. It gives her hope. They stand together, broken and bleeding, but united. Perhaps they have a chance as long as they draw on each other's strength. 

    As soon as the thought enters her mind it is dashed, for the lamb is far quicker and more sinister than originally thought. In a blur of white it passes the guardians, and without hesitation, opens the third seal. A shockwave passes through the crowd knocking her to the ground and sending the red stallion flying through the air since he was the closest to the seal. 

    Squeals and bellows of triumph echo from Conquest and War as the shards go flying. Their brother is coming to join the battle and he is more cunning than they. "Famine" crosses their lips and the name winds like serpents through the filly's ears. Flashes of green appear between the trunks of trees. A cloud of hunger in it's wake.

    For the first time, the little girl feels true hunger. Sharp pains ripple through her belly adding to the symphony of her broken body. She feels her throat go dry and her mind thirst for knowledge, hunger for home. Loneliness and homesickness leave her wanting just as much as a sip of water does. This is the true power of Famine, crippling the spirit. 

    The flashes of green grow more defined as the third equine beast draws closer. He is in no rush, he doesn't need to. Famine is much more difficult to battle than War or Conquest. He is a patient killer. He will let their own bodies do the work for him, and as the flickers back to the real world start happening more quickly, he knows the battle is nearly won. A sickly smile spreads across Famine's cracked lips and he bides his time. 

    Chrysaeta pulls herself from the forest floor and continues limping as quickly as she can towards the remaining horses. Then she hears the howl. Glancing quickly behind her, she sees the emaciated form of the one-eyed wolf, and he is hungry. It seems Famine has effected them all. The wolf's jowls trip saliva as he snarls lunges towards her. There is a desperation to both predator and prey as the hunt begins. 

    Her shoulder screams, Famine laughs, and the wolf snarls. A poetic chorus to accompany the desperate chase. It is clear that the wolf will win out this round. Her shoulder is too much of a problem. The pain and awkward movement slowing her too much to outpace the hungry beast. Still she tries. Using a last push ,with what little strength her body has left , Chrysaeta tries to run. She maintains the distance between them for several paces as she feels the wolf prepare to lunge. A loud snarl echoes behind her, wind rushes around her hind legs, and the wolf leaps. Just as the wolf's claws begin to take her backside, Chrysaeta's legs give way as she trips over a rock buried in the ground. The wolf sails over her head, hitting a tree , and is momentarily dazed. 

    Chrysaeta looks down at the object that tripped her in time to catch a glimpse of the seal as it is absorbed into her sprained ankle. She cannot believe her luck as the piece of stone gives her the strength to limp back to the others. She reaches the edge of the treeline when another presence joins her. This one radiates calm and patience. And hunger. Chrysaeta freezes as Famine joins her by the trees. 

    "Why do you all fight so hard? You know what's coming don't you?" his voice is soft and kindly, laced with confidence. "Your world will crumble as they all do in the end. My brothers and I will destroy your world as we have many others. The end is nigh, little girl, and you will all watch it burn."

    With a soft chuckle he taps his nose against her flank in a shooing motion. "Run along now, back to the others. Take comfort in each other. It won't last long." And without a backwoods glance he disappears from her view. The patch of skin along her side flakes and turns to dust, like everything Famine touches, adding one more scar to the many that will riddle her body.

    The pain of the fresh wound pushes her forwards until she collapses against the green and red filly. Finally in the safety of the others.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: It was to him the miser brought gold... ROUND IV - by Chrysaeta - 01-24-2016, 11:32 PM

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