The tender Dapple became completely enamored with his presence even with him dominantly guiding her with a piece of her flesh within between his teeth. She knew there was going to be bruise from it, simply a mark of his territory perhaps and she was completely naive to what he was doing. Vianne's ears seemed lop sided as he went on to explain that there was raping and killing happening in the lands. A soft breath fell past her lips as she dropped everything from her mind and wound her lithe frame against his when he nuzzled her neck. She kept quiet as her eyes quickly found a source of interest. She paused for a moment, wondering just what to do now that she was here. " Murdered" her accented voice parroted his and then gave him another response to his herd of deer " I have no interest in Deer and what are your intentions with me?" She was only asking for concern for her Aunts.
What was home? For the Druid there was no such thing, as far as the land was able to stretch was considered her homestead and now she was being told that she was to remain in his lands. Confined like a bird in a cage. She moved quietly closer, her frame still mostly hidden under his vast dark wing, attempting to find spot near him yet still secluded. Then as if on cue to blow her cover, a twig snapped in the background and she hung her head low as she lowered her body a little in an attempt to hide herself. But it did her no good, and yet she stayed there her eyes intently watching the other mare so that she could plan her next move. Vianne felt oddly aware of every fleck of muscle coming from both of the horses that were in front of her, was this some sort of game? To torment her? Her flighty nature thronged from her core, begging her to try her luck to run and possibly out maneuver him. The other womans voice beckoning some reason as to why Vianne was in his presence, and now she was wondering the same. Her rest lasted no longer than a passing breath. Beneath her muscles lingered a festering sense of fire and frustration, a rippling movement of restlessness and discontent. A dull flicker in her eyes move over the landscape, reflecting on the events that had happened earlier that day . Vianne remained observably quiet, watching the other mare to determine her attitude and what she could do. With reluctance; Viannes tail moved up in it's formal Arabian stance, a fountain of soft hair that laid gently along her backside with feral grace.
What was home? For the Druid there was no such thing, as far as the land was able to stretch was considered her homestead and now she was being told that she was to remain in his lands. Confined like a bird in a cage. She moved quietly closer, her frame still mostly hidden under his vast dark wing, attempting to find spot near him yet still secluded. Then as if on cue to blow her cover, a twig snapped in the background and she hung her head low as she lowered her body a little in an attempt to hide herself. But it did her no good, and yet she stayed there her eyes intently watching the other mare so that she could plan her next move. Vianne felt oddly aware of every fleck of muscle coming from both of the horses that were in front of her, was this some sort of game? To torment her? Her flighty nature thronged from her core, begging her to try her luck to run and possibly out maneuver him. The other womans voice beckoning some reason as to why Vianne was in his presence, and now she was wondering the same. Her rest lasted no longer than a passing breath. Beneath her muscles lingered a festering sense of fire and frustration, a rippling movement of restlessness and discontent. A dull flicker in her eyes move over the landscape, reflecting on the events that had happened earlier that day . Vianne remained observably quiet, watching the other mare to determine her attitude and what she could do. With reluctance; Viannes tail moved up in it's formal Arabian stance, a fountain of soft hair that laid gently along her backside with feral grace.