She childishly blinks at the mare as she backs away from her. She waits until the other is finished talking, trying to remember anything about their childhood other then the fact that Khaos had been nice to her. I remember playing tag with him once. Her eyes sparkle in hope that this would the right response. Sorry sister, I don't remember him much, only that he was nice to me the few times I do remember. Was this the first time that she had confessed of her problematic memory? I stayed out of the herd land just as you told me too. She puffs a little proud of herself for listening to her sisters instructions. then almost chastising herself she lets her head droop slightly.
He... he forced me to cross the border. He... She bites her lip wondering what to say about the thing he had done to her. I just wanted to see brother... see if he remembered me. She frowns walking up to her sister as she turns away from Kalamity.
I guess I did get into some trouble after all. Her voice sinks thinking to herself how bad she must be to get into this sort of situation. He's not a nice person. Is that how brother was? Was this why her sister hated him so much? Had their brother been the same way?
She wonders at how to tell her sister how the stallion had violated her. What would happen? What had happened anyways? She doesn't remember what sex is, not rape not anything. He jumped on my back. If felt bad. It hurt a lot. But he wouldn't get off. He said that I was his after that. Told me that I had to stay. That I didn't have a choice. She isn't fully sure what that ment she had no idea that she was pregnant now becuase of it. That the only reason that he wanted her there was for the babies that she could give him. All she knew was that she wanted to be with her sister. But I dont want you to leave. I like being with you. I want to stay with you. I dont want to be in his place. I dont like it there. He isn't nice. She brushes the other mares shoulder completely oblivious to the need for an apology. No she just wanted to be with her family.
That was why she had come back at first anyways. To find her sister and brother and be the happy family they were supposed to be. But could they? No not a family, maybe they could be happy sisters together.