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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    walking in a winter wonderland; weir
    He's always liked children, Weir has. Children tell it like it is and most have not yet been warped by the world in some crude fashion. It is no surprise that he has taken to the frost tipped girl, nor should it be. That, along with his newly acquired wintery gifts, well, he felt a connection one might say. Besides, plenty of room in the Dale and what was one more?

    Weir did not often feel the need to lie when it came to the young, honesty is the best policy you know. So lie to the girl, he does not. Perhaps he should but would that really be helpful? He doesn't believe that it would help in the slightest, so he refrains from tall tales and continues with what is and what isn't. "Indeed, Mother isn't about at the moment. Who's to say she wont be though? You're quite right, we will leave a little something behind so she will know. If she returns." He pointedly says, because he does not want the girl to get her hopes up too much. Best to not set oneself up for disappointment later.

    It's a fair thought Weir decides, because he wouldn't claim to know the inner goings on of others. For all he knew, the girls mother might come back after all. Very well then.

    He smiles, a broad grin, a happy one spanning across his ginger lips. Before the snow swirls about him in large archs and curves. The temperature drops about him as well, fogging up the breath that whispers from his chest and coating the area around him with frost. It's not frost he needs though, just some ice. Ice that he uses to construct a life size replica of Neva, with intricate details, down to the last hair on her mane. In the side he makes sure to engrave the words, 'Neva' and 'Dale'. Short, simple, to the point. There it shall stand until Weir decided it no longer need be, or someone came along with fire magic. But who would do a thing like that?

    "There, good as paper and pen I should think." Weir nods his head in agreement with himself, turning to look at Neva again. "If mother comes along, well, I should hope she shall see this. Looks just like you." He smiles warmly, before positioning himself at the fillies side. Head up, chin up, ready to begin their journey. "Best be off then my child."

    My child. Because his heart was already brimming with love and care for the girl. Perhaps Weir had always been too much of a knight for his own good. Either way, she would always have a place with him, so long as she liked.


    Messages In This Thread
    walking in a winter wonderland; weir - by Neva - 01-05-2016, 02:06 PM
    RE: walking in a winter wonderland; weir - by Weir - 01-22-2016, 10:06 AM

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