She frowns, squinting her eyes to see. Finally the voice triggers in her mind "Kataclysm!" Her exclamation rings out with a friendly nicker. Trotting she makes her way to the other mare as quickly as the roots would allow. Not like she would want to fall on her face the first time that she got to see her sister again. I was looking for you, I just got back. I also looked for our brother. She frowns once more at this. Reaching out to touch the shoulder of her beloved sister she remembers how the girl had taken care of her for so long.
Her mind wasn't the greatest, and while it was capable of fully loving everything around her, she couldn't fully comprehend as to what limits there are with horses. Only those that her sister had taught her. Like never stepping over the border of another stallions property. Which she hadn't, she had been shoved over the border. So could that really be considered her fault? Well before her sour thoughts took over her watery eyes widen and twinkle. You will be proud of me. I stayed out of trouble. At this point she couldn't say that Kirin had treated her badly. Wasn't like he was forcing himself on her. Yet. Then again she had forgotten all about the few children that she had given birth too. Also managing to forget about the love affairs and rapes that had occured to lead up to that.
Yes forgetful she is, and forgetful she would always be. Maybe her mother had dropped her on the head or something. Who knows, but most would call her crazy if they knew. She had a great way of hiding the ailment though. Her speach as elequant as any other horses, they would never know. Not until she walked away from them and then met up with them once more. There is very few that she would always remember, two of which would be her brother and sister.
She had spent so much time trying to remember them, that she couldn't remember much else. Even her mother and fathers names slipped her mind most of the time. Kirin she would have to commit to memory after all he was family, and if there was one thing that she would forever remember it was that family is the most important thing in life.